General Pre-Screening
Assessments for reliability, work ethic, adaptability, commitment, interpersonal skills, non-violence, drug avoidance, productivity, honesty, following instructions, conscientiousness, general, verbal and numerical reasoning, etc.
Showing 1–99 of 177 results
ACER Select Series
The ACER Select Series – designed for numerous applications to help screen applicants for things like problem solving, and analyzing skills in roles such as technical, clerical and administrative positions. There are six (6) versions of this assessment available.
Adaptive Profile – Reasoning
$94.00Use the Adaptive Profile – Reasoning to screen applicants for entry-level positions and measure their ability to analyze and use information to solve problems.
Adaptive Reasoning Test
Use the Adaptive Reasoning Test to screen applicants for cognitive ability as it relates to success on the job.
Administrative Assistant/Clerical Test
$51.00Use the Administrative Assistant/Clerical Test to screen your administrative candidates for routine office skills and clerical procedures.
Administrative Professional – Short Form
Use the Administrative Professional – Short Form assessment to screen your mid-level administrative candidates for routine clerical skills, office management, customer service and administrative procedures. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued and replaced with the General Entry Level 7.0 – Data Entry – Click Here
Analytical Reasoning Test
$35.00The Analytical Reasoning Test assesses inductive and deductive reasoning skills , verbal and quantitative reasoning skills for roles where logic and reasoning skills are paramount in business decision-making.
Applicant Potential Test
The Applicant Potential Test is a general pre-screening to accurately and objectively identify effective problem solvers top performers and quick learners
Applicant Review (Honesty Test)
The Applicant Review is a general pre-screener that assesses for dishonesty, theft, integrity and fraud and has Spanish and Canadian French versions available.
Applicant Risk Profiler
Use the Applicant Risk Profiler as a general pre-screener that assesses theft, drug use, compliance, absenteeism and aggressive behaviour.
Arithmetic Tests (Battery)
A set of 5 different arithmetic tests that assess addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers & decimals and percentages, simple formulas, reading tables and charts
Assertiveness Rating Scale
$35.00Use the Assertiveness Rating Scale to assess the ability of individuals to communicate thoughts and opinions, be aggressive, stand up for themselves and consider others.
Assessment of Transferrable Skills – Revised
$35.00The Assessment of Transferrable Skills – Revised evaluates specific competencies and skills that can transfer quite easily from school to the work world, and from one job to another.
At Home Agent Test
Use the At Home Agent for job candidates applying to entry-level positions where the main focus of the job is customer service and is performed in a remote work environment. – We’re sorry, the At Home Agent With Sales has been discontinued and replaced with the Contact Center Simulations – Customer Service Phone Solution.
Banking Services Representative Test
$50.00Use the Banking Services Representative Test to assess friendliness, cross-selling and customer service skills in applicants for all banking service roles.
Banking/Finance Administrative Assistant Test
Assess Banking/Finance Administrative Assistants for entry-level clerical positions that include typing skills, customer service, professionalism and conscientiousness. – We’re sorry, the Banking/Finance Administrative has been discontinued and replaced with the General Entry Level 7.0 – Data Entry.
Barista Test
The Barista Test measures outstanding customer and can-do service attitude and flair for flavour (including cinnamon!) in applicants for coffee shop service roles.
Basic Computer Literacy
Use the Basic Computer Literacy – Evaluates a candidate’s knowledge of general computer terms, working with files and application software. It also determines a candidate’s ability to manage files, work with a Windows operating system and application software, as well as access the Internet.
Basic Computer Literacy V.2
Use the Basic Computer Literacy 2 – Evaluates a candidate’s knowledge of general computer terms, working with files and application software. It also determines a candidate’s ability to manage files, work with a Windows operating system and application software, as well as access the Internet.
Basic Computer Skills Test
The Basic Computer Skills Test helps to assess basic word processing computer skills and consists of a series of questions relating to computer screens in Microsoft® Windows applications.
Basic Math Skills I – Arithmetic
$22.00Use the Basic Math Skills I – Arithmetic to test for basic math skills in all positions that require solid mathematical computation skills.
Basic Math Skills II – Decimals
$22.00Use the Basic Math Skills II – Decimals to test for basic math skills in all positions that require solid mathematical computation skills.
Basic Skills Test (BST®)
Use the Basic Skills Test (BST®) to assess 15 skills including vocabulary, problem solving, language, reading, computation for identifying fundamental reasoning, numerical, perceptual abilities of applicants for clerical, administrative and customer service roles.
Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test-II
$33.00The Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test identifies the ability to learn mechanical skills by assessing physical law, mechanical operation and spatial perception.
Business Concepts (U.S.)
Use the Business Concepts (U.S.) assess general business fundamentals & practices skills in applicants for Financial Management and Planning, General Business, HR, Marketing roles.
Business Letter Compose
$24.00Ability to accurately type and make corrections from a text original containing grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting errors.
Business Letter Edit
$24.00Business Letter Edit assesses candidates for the ability to accurately type and make corrections from a text original containing grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting errors.
Business Writing
$24.00Business Writing screens candidates for knowledge of the principles of business writing including letters, grammar, spelling, tone and vocabulary skills.
Camp Counselor Test
$26.00The Camp Counselor Test screens applicants who are comfortable working around children, follow rules, work hard and have team skills.
Can-Do Attitude Test
The Can-Do Attitude Test helps identify applicants with the right attitudes and who will go the extra mile with a smile, listen and are flexible.
Career Motivation Profile
$35.00Use the Career Motivation Profile assesses employee work place motivation. Uncover what motivates people in order to create a thriving work environment.
Cashier Math Test
$22.00Use the Cashier Math Test to assess entry-level applicants for basic math and money handling skills such as retail tasks, routine calculations, making change etc. for positions such as cashiers.
Categorization Ability Aptitude Test
$22.00Use the Categorization Ability Aptitude Test to screen candidates for the ability to read quickly, compare sets of information accurately, and make simple decisions.
Child Care Worker I
$37.00Use the Child Care Worker I to assess applicants for roles involving supervising children, like camp counsellors, babysitters, youth volunteers, Scout leaders, sunday school teachers and more.
Child Care Worker II
$51.00Use the Child Care Worker II to ensure that the people you’re putting in charge of children have the right temperament, aptitude and skills for the job.
Childcare Aptitude Profile (Nanny Test)
$80.00The Childcare Aptitude Profile assesses whether a person has the necessary skills and traits to be a professional nanny, empathy, stress tolerance, respect for family privacy, etc.
Clerical Skills Test
Use the Clerical Skills Test to accurately determine an applicant’s clerical skill level for all clerical and office roles, including secretaries, accounting clerks, file clerks, shipping and receiving personnel and administrative assistants.
Clerical Work Sample Aptitude Test
$22.00Use the Clerical Work Sample Aptitude Test to screen for accuracy in checking of complex data in roles like bookkeeper, administrative assistant, inventory control personnel, shipping & receiving clerk, accounting personnel, finance clerk, to evaluate whether one can quickly search for information, then transfer it elsewhere.
Coaching & Trainability Attitude Assessment
$35.00Use the Coaching & Trainability Attitude Assessment to measure an individual’s coachability, willingness to learn, accept feedback, and criticism, for a variety of roles.
Cognitive Skills Test – Basic Reading & Math
$36.00Hire the right person with the Cognitive Skills Test – Basic Reading & Math test and assess general reading and math skills.
Colour Blindness Test
The Colour Blindness Test will help to identify the ability of applicants or clients to correctly see and identify colours.
Comprehensive Basic Math Skills
$22.00Use the Comprehensive Basic Math Skills Test to screen applicants for basic arithmetic, decimals and fractions skills, for any position.
Comprehensive Personality Hiring Test
Use the Comprehensive Personality Hiring Test to assess helpfulness dependability assertiveness creativity leadership for entry-level through management roles.
Computer Career Assessment Test
Use the Computer Career Assessment Test to evaluate the capability and aptitude of an individual to choose a computer-related career.
Computer Literacy – Windows 7 (Adaptive)
$50.00Use the Computer Literacy – Windows 7 (Adaptive) to assess a candidate’s basic knowledge of using a personal computer.
Concentration Ability Test – Revised
$35.00The Concentration Ability Test assesses how well a person concentrates on a task and identifies their repertoire of focusing strategies.
Consultant Test
Use the Consultant Test to screen applicants for information handling, mental ability, problem solving, communication and teamwork skills.
Contact Center Virtual Scenario
Use the Contact Center Virtual Scenario for screening entry-level call bilingual center employees for roles such as Customer Service Representative.
Core Abilities Assessment
$31.00Use the Core Abilities Assessment to screen for an applicant’s critical reasoning skills and their ability to learn and perform on the job.
Counterproductive Behavior Index™
Use the Counterproductive Behavior Index to identify chronic problem employees whose behavior, attitudes, and work-related values will interfere with their success.
Customer Relations & Interpersonal Skills
Use the Customer Relations & Interpersonal Skills to screen for excellent customer service skills that can be applied to almost any field.– We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued. See our Customer Service category for alternatives.
Delivery Driver Test
$37.00Use the Delivery Driver Test to screen applicants for math, dependability, conscientiousness and rule following for any position delivering goods to customers.
Dependability and Safety Instrument
$20.00Use the Dependability & Safety Instrument to help Identify low risk safe dependable candidates for all key entry-level roles across an organization.
Detail Orientation Test
$35.00Use the Detail Orientation Test to identify candidates with patience focus and meticulousness skills for a variety of roles in your organization.
Differential Aptitude Tests™
$30.00The Differential Aptitude Tests™ are a suite of assessments measuring general and specific mental abilities for a wide range of occupational applications including: Space Relations, Problem Solving, Verbal Reasoning, etc. – This product has been updated with the Differential Aptitude Tests – Next Generation
Differential Aptitude Tests™ – Next Generation
$25.00Use the The Differential Aptitude Tests™ battery of tests to assess the levels of a number of cognitive abilities and aptitudes, including Verbal Reasoning, Space Relations, Numerical Ability, Language Usage, Abstract Reasoning and Mechanical Reasoning.
Differential Aptitude Tests™ For Personnel and Career Assessment
$30.00Use the Differential Aptitude Tests™ For Personnel and Career Assessment to assess general and specific mental abilities that relate to a wide variety of positions to ensure that people have the competencies required in order to succeed.
DISC Personality Profile
$80.00The DISC Personality Profile is an in-depth work personality profile based on 4 main factors. Use it for Pre-employment, Personal development, Team building and Leadership development.
Dispatcher Test
Use the Dispatcher test to find candidates who are easy to get along with and slow to anger, dependable, strong willed and forceful, confident, stable, enjoys working with people, cheerful with positive attitudes, good team player, and hard working.
Driver 7.0
$59.00The Driver 7.0 solution is designed to measure the behaviors and experiences that underlie successful and safe performance by drivers.
Driving Personality Profile
$35.00Use the Driving Personality Profile pre-screener to identify people whose attitudes and behaviour behind the wheel could be problematic.
Educational Aide Test
$51.00Use the Educational Aide Test to identify candidates who are cheerful, easy to get along with, tempered, dependable, strong willed and forceful, confident.
Employee Aptitude Survey Test Series
$35.0010 tests for cognitive, perceptual, psychomotor, mental ability, flexibility, etc.
Employee Attitude and Personality Test – Revised
$35.00The Employee Attitude and Personality Test – Revised is an overarching assessment of a person’s work personality profile, including trainability, initiative, abrasiveness, analytical thinking, emotional stability and more.
Employee Dependability Profile
The Employee Dependability Profile identifies applicants who will be dependable, reliable and stable employees who are reliable and can be trusted, those who think work is important and are committed to doing their best, and those who show initiative and are willing to do more than they are asked.
Employee Reliability Inventory
Use the Employee Reliability Inventory to identify applicants who will be dependable, reliable and safe employees and measure Turnover, Absenteeism, Work-Related Accidents, Theft, Disruptive Effects of Alcohol and Drug Use.
Employee Screening Questionnaire
Use the Employee Screening Questionnaire to identify applicants who will be dependable, reliable and stable employees.
Entry Level Cashier
$34.00The Precise Fit Entry Level Cashier Solution is for entry-level retail positions in which employees receive payment in the form of cash, check, or credit cards for goods purchased.
Entry Level Customer Service
$34.00The Entry Level Customer Service assesses a wide range of entry-level positions where employees are expected to interact with customers when carrying out critical tasks of the job.
Entry Level Customer Service (Retail & Contact Centre)
$34.00The Entry Level Customer Service (Retail & Contact Centre) is for entry level positions in which employees interact with customers by providing information or carrying out customer requests related to an organization’s products or services.
Entry Level Hotel Front Desk
The Entry Level Hotel Front Desk Solution is for entry-level customer service positions in the hospitality industry. – We’re sorry, this tool has been discontinued. Please see the Guest Service Team 7.0 as an alternative.
Entry-Level Basic Skills Aptitude Test
$26.00Use the Entry-level Basic Skills Aptitude Test to measures candidates’ ability to correctly answer questions in English and identify those easiest to train.
Estimator Test
Use the Estimator Test to assess incumbents for math, decision-making, communication and team skills who will adapt well to company procedures and cultures. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued. Please contact us for alternatives.
Excel Proficiency Aptitude Test
$22.00Use the Excel Proficiency Aptitude Test for times when resumes lack sufficient info regarding a person’s actual skills in Microsoft Excel.
Excel Proficiency Aptitude Test 2020
$22.00Use the Excel Proficiency Aptitude Test 2020 for times when resumes lack sufficient info regarding a person’s actual skills in Microsoft Excel.
Following Instructions Test
Following Instructions test (US/UK) assesses a candidate’s ability to follow detailed instructions, and then select the correct course of action.
General Cognitive Aptitude Test
$22.00Use the General Cognitive Aptitude Test and assess the general mental ability of your candidates to see how able they are quick to pick up new information, be alert to new ideas that might be applied to their jobs, capable of grasping difficult concepts on their own, and more.
General Entry-Level 7.0 – All Industries
$34.00The General Entry-Level 7.0 – All Industries assess the skills for entry-level general office positions like, Administrator, Clerk, Veterinary Assistant, Stocker, Dish Washer, Office Coordinator, Tour Guide, Cook, Assistant, Housekeeper, Waste Collector.
General Entry-Level 7.0 – Data Entry
$34.00The General Entry-Level 7.0 – Data Entry is designed for entry-level positions that include entering data into computers or data management systems. This solution measures speed and accuracy at typing text and numbers into forms for positions like, Administrator, Clerk, Veterinary Assistant, Stocker, Dish Washer, Office Coordinator, Tour Guide, Cook, Assistant, Housekeeper, Waste Collector.
General Laborer Test
Use the General Laborer Test to screen applicants for hard working people for setup, stocking, assembly and general labor positions.
General Reasoning Aptitude Test
$22.00Use the General Reasoning Aptitude Test to assess assess candidates in several types of reasoning including numerical, verbal, spatial, logic math and more.
GIOTTO Personal Integrity Test
The GIOTTO Personal Integrity Test accurately assesses ones personal workplace integrity across seven dimensions.
Grammar & Spelling Aptitude Test
$22.00Ensure that your candidates have the language, grammar and spelling skills required for any job requiring the creation and management of documents using the Grammar & Spelling Aptitude Test.
Hairstylist Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile
$80.00The Hairstylist Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile evaluates whether a person has the skills and traits to be successful in the Hairdressing field.
Healthcare Support Associate
The Healthcare Support Associate assesses entry-level healthcare roles that do not require the employee to interact with patients. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued and replaced with the Contact Center Simulations – Customer Service Phone Solution.
Household Worker – Concierge Staff Test
$51.00Use the Household Worker/Concierge Staff to find trustworthy candidates with organization skills, who are non-aggressive, drug-free with a positive attitude
Janitor/Cleaner Test
Use the Janitor/Cleaner Test to screen applicants for heavy or light duties cleaning offices, restrooms, common areas and general janitorial duties.
Kenexa Skills Assessments – List
$5.00The Kenexa Skills Assessments are designed to test a candidate’s skills or personality. These tests can be used to analyze a candidate’s practical knowledge of something such as Microsoft Word or to examine personality traits.
Locus of Control & Attribution Style Test
$34.00Locus of Control & Attribution Style Test assesses whether a person believes that he or she has an impact on and can control what happens in his or her life, which can impact motivation, expectations, self-esteem, and risk-taking behavior.
Logic IQ Test
$34.00The Logic IQ Test is designed to test logic and mathematical IQ. It will assess a person’s ability to logically discern numerical patterns and to apply them to new contexts, to complete numerical computations, and to solve geometrical, mathematical and logic word problems.
Medical Assistant Test
$59.00Use the Medical Assistant Test to screen medical office applicants for multi-tasking, courtesy, hard working and teamwork skills.
Medical Billing & Coding Test
Use the Medical Billing & Coding Test to screen applicants for Excel and spreadsheet knowledge, mathematical computation skills and general aptitude.
Microsoft Office Basic Computer Literacy
$25.00The Microsoft Office Basic Computer Literacy assessment is a multi-choice test that measures the ability to use MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint to perform basic tasks on a computer.
Microsoft Office Basic Computer Literacy Simulation
The Microsoft Office Basic Computer Literacy Simulation assessment is a multi-choice test that measures the ability to use basic computer operations, browser navigation, MS office and email.
Microsoft Word
$25.00The Microsoft Word assessment is a multi-choice test that measures the ability to use MS Word to record and save textual information.
Motivation Questionnaire
Use the Motivation Questionnaire to measure one’s motivation via achievement and competition, recognition and personal growth, interest and flexibility.
Organization Skills Test
$34.00The Organization Skills Test – Revised assesses how well-developed a person’s organizational skills are in terms of time-management, neatness, self-motivation, cognitive organization and organization strategies.
Pattern Series Test of Abstract Reasoning
Use the Pattern Series Test of Abstract Reasoning to screen applicants for basic mental ability, speed at learning new ideas and concepts and then use the knowledge effectively.
PeopleClues® Tests
The PeopleClues® Tests measure personality traits, cognitive abilities and attitudes for a wide range of jobs and skill sets.
Personal Style Assessment I Test
$37.00Use the Personal Style Assessment I Test to screen applicants for someone who is moral and has a strong work ethic, is easy to get along with, assertive, enjoys teamwork and is a team player.
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