Firefighter Learning Simulation
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The Firefighter Learning Simulation replicates the type of learning which takes place in the fire academy and helps candidates increase their examination scores and the likelihood of landing a fire department position. Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants for skills like:
- Ladders
- Fire Streams
- Water Supply
- Burns
This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.
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See the companion products – Firefighter Selection Test and Work Orientation Survey as well.
The Firefighter Learning Simulation is 1/3 of the Firefighter Selection System (FSS). The FSS consists of three job-related instruments that can be used together or separately:
- The Firefighter Selection Test
- Firefighter Learning Simulation
- Work Orientation Survey
The Firefighter Learning Simulation replicates the type of learning which takes place in the fire academy. It measures the degree to which an applicant can learn information similar to material they will be expected to master in the fire academy. It is a companion instrument that can be used in conjunction with the Firefighter Selection Test.
This job related instrument includes a Training Manual which is distributed to candidates before testing, and a multiple-choice Training Test. The Training Manual Includes Seven Lessons Which Cover Material Including:
- Ladders
- Fire Streams
- Water Supply
- Fire Behaviour
- Ventilation Practices
- Burns
- Personal Protective Equipment
Variety of Applications
The FLS is extremely popular with firefighter applicants as it provides an opportunity for highly motivated individuals to take direct and positive action to increase their examination scores and thus increase the likelihood of their receiving a fire department position. The FLS also provides opportunities for outreach development activities to help motivated and able candidates illustrate their abilities to learn the material required for successful job performance. Studies have shown that the Training Test has less adverse impact than traditional cognitive ability tests.
Content Valid Training Manual
The Training Manual includes seven short lessons presented in a straight forward, easy-to-understand style. Candidates are responsible for learning all of the information provided within the Training Manual. It is recommended that candidates be given a minimum of two weeks to review the material before testing.
Multiple Choice Training Test
The Training Test is comprised of 65 items that are derived from the lessons in the Training Manual. The test is content relevant and has been demonstrated to be highly reliable.
Fast, Simple Administration
The Training Test is easy to complete. Instructions to test administrators and examinees are straight forward and easy to follow. A 1.5 hour time limit allows most examinees to complete the test.
Easy to Score and Interpret
Quick, accurate scoring can be done manually or with optical scanning. An optional scanning service is available.
All test items are highly job-related, taken directly from materials similar to those that candidates will encounter in the fire department. Because the material included in each lesson corresponds to material found in fire academy training books, the process simulates the type of learning which firefighter will be expected to accomplish in the academy.
Scoring Services Available
We offer a scoring service which integrates the scores obtained on the FLS with other parts of your examination process. We will score tests, apply weights to examination parts according to your jurisdiction’s instructions, and produce a final eligibility list. Many departments have found the convenience of this service to be instrumental in saving them hundreds of dollars in time and resources. We can also provide consulting services to assist departments in determining appropriate cut scores and examination weights.
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