Adventure Simulation Series
The Adventure Simulation Series are team building exercises and facilitate teamwork, organizational skills and assess leadership behaviour.
About this Test
The Adventure Simulation Series is a series of team building exercises and facilitate teamwork, organizational skills and assess leadership behaviour.
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See the following variations of the Adventure Simulation Series:
- Alien Encounter Exercise
- Crisis in Mantique
- Escape the Wildland Inferno
- Hostage Rescue Exercise
- Hurricane Disaster Exercise
- Hunt for T-Rex Exercise
- Lost in Alligator Swamp
- Project Space Colony
- Survive Nature’s Fury
- The Net Spy
- Trapped Underground Exercise
- Tuscan Shadows
All include fully reproducible masters of all participant and facilitator materials plus PowerPoint® slides.
The Adventure Simulations Electronic Collection includes all of the engaging simulations.
Alien Encounter Exercise
An Exciting Training Simulation
- Explains how communication works
- Develops effective decision making skills
- Builds understanding and strengthens team interaction
Increases intercultural awareness and sensitivity
The scenario centers on a space shuttle mission to repair the malfunctioning Hubble Space Telescope. After making the repairs the tired and fatigued shuttle crew is engaged in deorbit preparations when they have an unexpected visitor.
They must clearly describe what they see to Mission Control and determine how to communicate with “visitors” who likely share a different cultural and values system. Meanwhile, Mission Control must decide whether the shuttle crew should risk remaining in orbit or proceed with the scheduled deorbit burn. Based on space shuttle mission information provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Suitable for all organizational levels. Requires 1.5 to 2 hours.
Crisis in Mantique
- Develops team problem solving skills
- Improves inter group communication
- Teaches win-win negotiation strategies
- Builds conflict resolution skills
This is a challenging exercise that dramatizes how teamwork, open communication, active listening and a win-win negotiating approach can overcome conflict and bring people together to constructively solve mutual problems.
Makes learning fun and exciting! Participants take roles as members of a Joint Commission representing both environmental and commercial interests on the Caribbean island nation of Mantique. Unless a way can be found to stimulate its economy, the beauty and tranquility of Mantique may be shattered by foreign commercial and industrial exploitation. But, differing viewpoints on the commission have produced conflict and time is running out as negotiations enter a crucial phase!
From 1.5 to 3.5 hours depending on options selected by facilitator.
Escape the Wildland Inferno
A challenging team building exercise
- Improves team interaction
- Teaches consensus decision making
- Develops interpersonal communication skills
The scenario focuses on a group of hikers who are camping deep in Sasquatch National Forest. During a violent thunderstorm lightning ignites a forest fire that spreads rapidly due to high winds and dry woodland conditions.
The campers awaken the next morning to find surface fire blocking the trail ahead of them. But, when they try to backtrack out of the forest, they encounter a series of life threatening situations posed by the advancing fire that they must navigate correctly in order to Escape the Wildland Inferno!
Designed to interest, challenge, and educate employees at all levels of the organization. Great as an energizer and icebreaker. Requires 1.5 to 2 hours including debriefing.
Hostage Rescue Exercise
Improves team building and decision making skills
An exciting team building and decision making simulation that is suitable for employees at all organizational levels. The scenario centers on a hostage taking situation by terrorists in a small third world country. Exercise participants take the role of a U.S. Department of State, Office of Security task team that has been assigned to help obtain the release of the hostages.
A series of realistic situations confront the task team as it develops strategies aimed at freeing the hostages. In order for the participants to arrive at the correct“life and death” answers, they must not only sharpen their decision making skills but also work together as an effective team!
Detailed administration manual contains background information, administration and scoring instructions, theory and validated rationale for the correct answers.
Requires only about 1 to 1.5 hours.
Hurricane Disaster Exercise
- Develops planning and organizing skills
- Builds teamwork
- Sharpens ability to solve problems under pressure
- Assesses leadership behavior
A resort community emergency preparedness team meets to evaluate the danger of an impending hurricane and to determine whether the island community should be evacuted.
The decision team must quickly update its emergency preparedness action plan by obtaining critical additional information, assessing available resources and by analyzing the overall situation. If the team does not order evacuation it must decide how the island population can best be protected from the fury of Hurricane Judy. Based on information provided by the National Hurricane Center and governmental emergency preparedness agencies.
Suitable for all organizational levels. Requires 2 to 2.5 hours.
Hunt for T-Rex Exercise
A fast-moving simulation exercise
- Builds leadership skills
- Demonstrates the value of consensus decision making
- Increases team effectiveness
- Captures the imagination and attention of all employees
Focuses on behaviors and practices that are characteristic and required of truly successful leaders. Based on contingency and situational theories. The exercise scenario begins 70
million years ago in the age of dinosaurs and continues through modern times centering on an expedition to find the fossils of Tyrannosaurus (T-Rex). The expedition leader is confronted with a series of leadership challenges that she must successfully meet in order to ensure the success of the project.
Exercise participants first make independent decisions for each of the situations the expedition leader faces. They then form teams and try to achieve consensus about the same issues. Helps participants develop leadership diagnostic skills and learn how to determine which approach is most effective for a particular situation.
Suitable for all organizational levels. Requires about 1 to 1.5 hours.
Lost in Alligator Swamp
Lost in Alligator Swamp improves listening, team building, planning, decision making, and problem-solving skills.
Lost in Alligator Swamp is an action-packed training exercise that will help quickly develop essential team interaction skills like effective listening, information sharing, planning, problem solving and much more. The scenario is a search and rescue mission to find a group of boaters who are reported missing after a sudden tropical storm sweeps over a remote section of Manatee National Park where they had been fishing.
When the storm hit, the boaters used a cell phone to call the park ranger station and report that they had beached themselves on a small area of relatively dry land. But they said that they were completely disoriented and had no idea of their exact location and their boat with provisions and camping gear was swept away, severely limiting their options.
The mission of exercise participants is to listen carefully to a tape recording made of the boaters, call for clues as to their possible location, identify the general area where they may be and work out a search and rescue action plan. Meanwhile, the boaters must use their wits and limited material resources to survive the dangers of Alligator Swamp!
Suitable for any audience. About 1.5 hours including debriefing time.
Project Space Colony
Builds cooperation and teamwork
Based on an actual research project at NASA, Project Space Colony is a training activity in which task teams make decisions about issues that must be considered in the overall design of a future space station.
The activity focuses primarily on the human and social aspects of the project and has been designed to appeal to employees at a wide range of organizational levels. Learning content is structured to improve employees’ ability to solve problems, make decisions, resolve conflict and achieve team consensus.
Easily self-administered. Fun and challenging to employees. Requires about 1 to 1.5 hours.
Survive Nature’s Fury
Breaks down communication barriers
Survive Nature’s Fury is a motivating training activity that commands participant interest as it develops key communication skills attributes. Following a PowerPoint slide introduction with fascinating photos of severe storm scenes, the activity presents participants with a four-section storm survival test that is completed first by participants individually and then as a team.
The focus is on consensus decision making in which the teams that are most effective in information sharing and collaborative problem solving will most likely achieve a synergistic result. At the conclusion of the activity participants are guided through a self-critique process designed to help them develop strategies for personal and team skill improvement.
Suitable for employees at all organizational levels. Requires about 1 to 1.5 hours.
The Net Spy
An intriguing team problem solving exercise
As exercise participants weave through an increasingly tense plot they learn how to hone their analytical and problem solving skills, separate fact from perception and how to deal with others who may have a hidden agenda or who may be withholding crucial decision making information.
The exercise scenario is a special internal task team appointed by senior management to find the person who is breaking into the organization’s top secret data files, copying plans crucial to the organization’s ability to survive in the market place and apparently selling them to government controlled businesses in foreign countries. The suspicion is that the hacker, known only by the code name “Pastorius,” is an insider and may even be one of the members of the special task team! Pastorius must be found and stopped now!
Requires 1.5 to 2 hrs.
Trapped Underground Exercise
A terrific active listening training activity
- Evaluates and develops listening ability
- Improves interpersonal communication
- Sharpens decision making skills
- Improves teamwork
The exercise focuses on a group of tourists who together with their guide are trapped in Cherokee Caverns when an earthquake knocks out the caverns’ electrical system. The group’s guide was seriously injured in the tremor and is now unconscious.
But the group has a flashlight and can communicate with rescue workers on the surface via the guide’s walkie talkie. Participants take the role of a team of rescue workers who must pinpoint exactly where the trapped tourists are within the caverns’ miles of marked passages and chambers by listening effectively to the transmitted description of the tourists’ surroundings. The rescuers must then decide in which of several possible sections of the caverns the tourists are located. Requires approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Tuscan Shadows
Tuscan Shadows develops key communication and team skills.
Tuscan Shadows is a unique training activity that captivates participants with its colorful, exciting audio/visual format. The activity is in the form of a PowerPoint slide show that tests the ability of employees to observe and memorize pictorial detail and then share their observations with members of their team in an effort to reach team consensus. The scenario for the activity is a visual tour along the many roads that lead to the picturesque region of Tuscany in Italy.
Each scene is presented to employees for a limited time and is then followed by a multiple-choice test that measures how well employees recall details of the scene.
In a subsequent team discussion employees try to reconcile any differences among their observations and agree on a team decision. A comparison of their individual and team scores shows whether they were successful in achieving a synergistic decision. Excellent for all levels of the organization.
Can be conducted in about 1.5 to 2 hours including debriefing. Includes slide show file and separate files for fully reproducible activity test answer forms and activity administration manual with facilitator guidelines and scoring information. Use it again and again as often as you want!
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