Workplace Personality Profile

The Workplace Personality Profile provides a reliable measurement of nine personality traits (i.e., achievement drive, assertiveness, flexibility, helping disposition, reliability, self-confidence, stress management, team player and trustworthiness) to obtain a proper job fit.

About this Test

Use the The Workplace Personality Profile to measure 9 personality traits and assess these traits to obtain a proper job fit.  Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test them for:

  • Self-confidence
  • Helping disposition
  • Reliability
  • Stress management
  • Flexibility

This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

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The Workplace Personality Profile provides a reliable measurement of nine personality traits (i.e., achievement drive, assertiveness, flexibility, helping disposition, reliability, self-confidence, stress management, team player and trustworthiness).

It is important to assess these traits to obtain a proper job fit.

The Profile consists of 140 questions with a strongly agree/strongly disagree answer format.

Although the assessment is untimed, most people complete it in less than 45 minutes.

The questions that assess each trait were developed based on information gathered from interviews with human resources professionals and managers in different industries, and from an extensive review of the psychological literature on personality measurement. Each question was written specifically with the employment environment in mind, unlike most other “clinically based” personality assessment instruments. Assessments designed specifically for the employment setting are viewed by applicants as more job-relevant (face valid) than those developed for clinical assessment and therefore are less likely to be questioned in terms of their relevance to the position in question.

An individual’s scores on the nine W.P.P. scales are predictive of various aspects of job performance.

The 10th scale of the W.P.P is the Deception Scale which helps to determine the degree to which the applicant is responding to the profile items in a socially desirable manner.

The Workplace Personality Profile Test Measures:

  • Drive to achieve
  • Assertiveness
  • Self-confidence
  • Helping disposition
  • Reliability
  • Stress management
  • Flexibility
  • Team player
  • Trust worthiness

Product Specifications:

  • Includes deception scale that helps identify applicants who may be faking their responses
  • 140 questions; approx. 45 minutes to complete
  • Excellent for all applicants
  • Minimum 5 tests
  • Untimed

Deception Scale:

When job candidates take a personality inventory, a common critique is that they have the opportunity to answer in ways intended to enhance their score. In studies where test takers are instructed to try to enhance their scores, there is evidence that some people can indeed alter personality measures. Despite this fact, empirical evidence also shows that the base rate of faking during the actual employment screening process is rare and infrequent.

The W.P.P. includes a Deception Scale that detects test takers who attempt to present themselves in an overly favorable light, and alerts the employer to the apparent response distortion. This Deception Scale is designed to alert you about applicants who gave answers that varied from the norm. This is not a polygraph or lie detector test, and its results should not be used as such.

The Deception Scale score can range from “0” to “5.” The higher the score the likelier the applicant was trying to present him/herself in a favorable light. This suggests that some of their responses to the inventory may reflect how they want you to perceive them and not necessarily how they truly feel.

The Workplace Personality Profile Measurement Scales:

  • Achievement Drive: Is the applicant competitive and driven to be the best?
  • Assertiveness: Does the applicant assert him/herself, speak his/her mind and enjoy taking control or the lead in work situations?
  • Flexibility: Does the applicant adapt well to change and is he/she more open-minded than stubborn?
  • Helping Disposition: Is the applicant friendly and is he/she likely to go out of his or her way to assist or help customers and/or coworkers?
  • Reliability: Is the applicant dependable, hardworking and conscientious about the quality of his/her work?
  • Self-Confidence: Is the applicant self-assured? Is he/she not overly affected by what others think of him/her, and is confident in his/her decisions and actions?
  • Stress Management: Does the applicant demonstrate patience and stress tolerance during times of conflict with customers, coworkers and other stressful work-related situations?
  • Team Player: Will the applicant cooperate in all aspects of his/her work relationships including working in harmony with others to achieve a common goal?
  • Trustworthiness: Can the applicant be trusted? Is he/she trusting of others?

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