Work Activities Matcher

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About this Test

We’re sorry, the Work Activities Matcher has been discontinued

Please see the RIASEC Inventory and our Career & Vocational Interest category for alternatives.


The Work Activities Matcher Test outlines general work activities representing the actual tasks you are likely to perform on the job, asks how much you would enjoy doing them and then suggests occupations matching your preferences.  

  • Interests
  • Values
  • O’Net Titles

This test provides the answers you need to make informed decisions.

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See the RIASEC Inventory as an alternative.


Discover Jobs That You’ll Enjoy Doing!

According to a 2005 Harris Interactive, Inc. survey, only 20 percent of workers feel passionate about their work. A similar poll by the Conference Board shows that nearly half of all Americans are dissatisfied with their jobs. In short, there are a lot of people out there who don’t like what they do for a living.

You can take an inventory to help you discover your interests and your values, your skills and your abilities. But no assessment on the market can help you explore jobs based on the day-to-day tasks you’ll be expected to perform. Until now.

The Work Activities Matcher gives students and job seekers a new approach to career exploration. Based on the very practical notion that you will be more satisfied with your job if you actually like what you do, the WAM outlines general work activities representing the actual tasks you are likely to perform on the job and asks how much you would enjoy doing them. It then helps you explore O*NET job titles based on your preferred work activities. There are in-depth suggestions for further research help you explore those careers. The inventory is self-scoring and self-interpreting, takes less than twenty minutes to complete, and is based on decades of research and data provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Features and Benefits

  • Based on research compiled by the Department of Labor and its O*NET database
  • Scores into the following six work activity categories: Learning and Analyzing; Identifying and Monitoring; Communicating and Influencing; Handling, Moving, and Operating; Managing, Supervising, and Teaching; Repairing and Maintaining
  • Complete in 15-20 minutes
  • Color coding makes it easy to use and easy to score
  • Self-administered and self-interpreting
  • Ideal career exploration tool matches preferred work activities directly to careers; the only assessment focused specifically on connecting work activities directly to the occupations in which they are performed
  • Compliments interest, values, and skills inventories, such as the O*NET Career Interests Inventory and the O*NET Career Values Inventory
  • Includes sample job titles from the latest O*NET database
  • Includes suggested resources for career exploration
  • Can be given to groups or individuals
  • Features four easy steps: (1) Rate Each Work Activity, (2) Score Your Responses, (3) Interpret Your Scores, (4) Match Preferred Work Activities to Jobs

Additional information

Appropriate For

Administration Time


Scoring Options


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