SAMS – Study Attitudes & Methods Survey

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About this Test

Use the SAMS – Study Attitudes & Methods Survey to explore students’ motivation, study habits and attitudes toward school.  It helps to:

  • Diagnose non-academic obstacles to school success
  • Promote student growth in areas vital for future success

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The SAMS – Study Attitudes & Methods Survey was developed to explore students’ motivation, study habits and attitudes toward school. The SAMS usefulness in determining non-academic obstacles to school success makes it a valuable preparation for college entrance as well as a counselling tool at the high school level. The results of the SAMS (in conjunction with an ability test) can be used to advise students of the probability of school success and point out areas that need improvement. Use the SAMS to help students improve study habits and replace non-productive attitudes with a more positive approach.

Improve Study Habits

  • Explore students’ attitudes, motivation, and study habits
  • Diagnose non-academic obstacles to school success
  • Promote student growth in areas vital for future success


Range: Junior high, high school, and college
Length: 90 items
Norms: High school, college
Administration Time: 20-30 minutes
Scoring: Hand-scoring with overlay keys

SAMS – Study Attitudes & Methods Survey Scales:

Academic Interest – Love of Learning
The sheer pleasure gained by students in studying and in doing academic work, much like that experienced by the dedicated scholar who gains great satisfaction in working in the library, in writing papers, and in reading the great books – an intrinsic motivation involving love of learning for its own sake.

Academic Drive – Conformity
A combination of both persistence, involving a high level of determination to succeed in academic work regardless of the amount of effort and time required and; a high degree of conformity insofar as it involves meeting institutional requirements and teachers’ expectations. A form of extrinsic motivation that will enhance the status and prestige of the student in academically oriented activities.

Study Methods – A systematic, organized, methodical, and well-planned set of working habits and procedures in meeting assignments and in taking examinations; effective study skills and techniques resulting in the optimal use of time and ability.

Study Anxiety – A marked concern over doing well in school assignments and examinations that reflects a lack of self-confidence and self-assurance; a tendency to be fearful that one’s level of competence in academic endeavors is not high enough, and to experience feelings of panic or even terror in taking examinations and in meeting the expectations of teachers and significant others in the academic setting.

Manipulation – An inclination to use power and influence to achieve one’s goals and to enhance one’s status even at the expense of the teacher to gain favourable treatment or special consideration.

Alienation Toward Authority – A feeling of being isolated or rejected in the academic environment manifested by hostility toward the academic institution and its members – teachers, administrators, and significant others as well as resentment and even defiance of rules and regulations.


The Study Attitudes & Methods Survey is not available for purchase in Canada

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