Individual Employment Plan
About this Test
Unfortunately, we no longer offer the Individual Employment Plan.
Please see our Career & Vocational Interest category for alternatives.
The Individual Employment Plan is a self-scoring, self-interpreting, consumable, no other components needed.
Many employment and training programs share three challenges. First, collect consistent information during initial conversations or interviews with participants. Second, record that information and make it available to all professionals who interact with participants. Third, document what happens to each participant.
The Individual Employment Plan (IEP) is a tracking device that addresses all three challenges.
Get Consistent Intake Data. Many programs employ para-professionals to gather initial intake data.
The IEP has panel areas that record basic participant data and work history. Assessment outcomes are organized into six areas: career interests, work style or temperament, basic skills set, aptitudes/abilities, occupational/job skills, and behavioral patterns.
Determine Critical Employability Assets and Liabilities. There’s an 84-item assessment checklist organized into seven major employability areas:
- Personal issues and considerations
- Health and physical considerations
- Work orientation
- Career and life planning skills
- Job seeking skills
- Job adaptation skills
- Education and training
Each checklist item can be rated as an employability asset or liability—useful when determining a participant’s critical liabilities.
Track Participant Progress. There is a panel area to record the Training and Services plan, and panel areas to record progress on each element of the plan up to three times.
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