Strategic Leadership Type Indicator

The Strategic Leadership Type Indicator determines the degree to which you use coaching, teaching, relating or delegating styles correctly according to the capability and motivation of your subordinates.

About this Test

The Strategic Leadership Type Indicator determines the degree to which you use coaching, teaching, relating or delegating styles correctly according to the capability and motivation of your subordinates.  You can use it to

  • Create a structured framework for leadership development
  • Improve leadership ability across the whole organization through constant reinforcement of a systematic management system.

This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

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The Strategic Leadership Type Indicator (SLTI) is an assessment that determines the degree to which you use coaching, teaching, relating or delegating styles correctly according to the capability and motivation of your subordinates.  The Strategic Leadership Type Indicator (SLTi) is self scoring, only 64 items, and can be completed in about 15 minutes. The SLTI combines proven, contemporary leadership strategies with the breakthrough concept initially commercialized by Situational Leadership™ that “one leadership strategy does not fit all situations”.  Each supervisor has to understand the needs and capabilities of each direct report to manage that person optimally.


The SLTI assessment process is a complete development cycle for supervisors or leaders:

  1. Leaders complete a self-assessment and discover their preferred leadership strategies for a variety of contexts.
  2. Leaders learn to select the best strategies for a given context.
  3. Leaders are shown how to use strategies to develop their direct reports, to move them toward higher autonomy, competence, and improved productivity.

Following training, the SLTI assessment booklet acts as a prescriptive job aid that supervisors can refer to when considering how to handle a new employee, a subordinate with evolving job responsibilities, or a sudden change in a direct reports performance.

Key Benefits

  • Create a structured framework for leadership development
  • Improve leadership ability across the whole organization through constant reinforcement of a systematic management system.
  • Basic and intuitive; a new – down in the trenches, prescription for leading
  • Basic and intuitive; so it’s relevant for first time supervisors
  • Basic and intuitive; you can train managers quickly and it will stick to their ribs


  • Participants can take and self score this easy-to-use assessment in 30 minutes
  • 360 feedback sets are available for exploring the perceptions of co-workers about the appropriateness of the leaders use of strategies.
  • Facilitators Manual contains up to six hours of ready-to-deliver training, including a PowerPoint® presentation and a Participant’s Workbook.


Complete SLTI assessment and training resources provide management instructors a wide choice of training alternatives:

  • For Streamlined Applications or adding the SLTI to an existing management training program use the SLTI Facilitators Manual with the Assessment and the optional Participant Coursebook. (1-day option)
  • To deliver Advanced Training on the SLTI leadership model with extensive skill building in the 4 leadership strategies, use the SLTI Workshop Instructors Guide and Participant Workbook. (3-day option)
  • To add multi-media to your training use the SLTI 18-minute DVD to introduce the concepts and implications for supervisors who use the SLTI method.
  • For Self-Directed Learning, enable supervisors to complete the SLTI online. The online option produces a comprehensive report of the supervisor’s results. Supplement the online assessment with SLTI DVD to provide an easy viewing overview of the concepts and implications. Use the novel style book, The Starfish Files, as a pre-assessment assignment to orient supervisors and managers to breakthrough leadership principles culminating in one person’s awakening to strategic leadership.
  • For Classroom Training Alternatives use the SLTI self scoring paper/pencil assessment or use the online assessment as a pre-course assignment.
  • For supervisors in extremely challenging circumstances, use SLTI 360-degree feedback sets to help them better align their self-awareness with the perceptions of the people they work with.
  • For a post-training takeaway or a pre-training orientation, provide participants the novel: The Starfish Files.
  • The assessment is translated into French and Spanish.


This modular training program is easy to use and enables anyone to quickly and effectively teach managers how to become better leaders. Participants take the assessment and conduct exercises to learn their own natural leadership style, learn new leadership styles and learn how to appropriately choose the correct leadership style for any given situation.  Supervisors that are having special challenges with certain co-workers or direct reports can invite others to provide direct feedback on how they exercise strategic leadership strategies. This feedback can help leaders obtain a more accurate view of how they manage others.

The Strategic Leadership Type Indicator (SLTi) is fast becoming the new standard for a 4-quadrant type supervisory leadership assessment. Trainers appreciate its simplicity combined with ample support materials but without burdensome certification requirements. Supervisors and managers like the emphasis on teaching the appropriate use of four different management styles, particularly the coaching style widely considered the most flexible and motivative supervision technique in wide use today. The SLTi is also translated into French and Spanish. The SLTi assessment is particularly important for supervisors or managers new to the people management role. These professionals will experience a wide range of new responsibilities and challenges and have severely limited time to absorb it all and be successful with these new challenges. SLTi offers a prescriptive approach to people management that aligns productivity concerns perfectly with the time consuming realities of supervising and managing people.

For example:

When an employee is clearly both capable and motivated, supervisors learn to use the delegation strategy which requires the least direct intervention and monitoring. Supervisors often fall into the time trap of spending too much time on employees who are doing fine without them. Not only does this waste valuable time for the supervisor, these employees, who have earned and desire more autonomy, resist or are de-motivated by micro management, even when it is good intentioned.

If an employee is capable but un-motivated the supervisor uses the relate strategy in order to coax, encourage, and support the employee to help improve their desire to meet their goals more effectively.

When an employee lacks capability as well as motivation then the supervisor uses the coach strategy which requires high relating contact and high levels of teaching/instruction. Coaching is a widely well regarded supervision style but it is time consuming and it’s important to use coaching where it will make the most impact on the work unit’s performance. Even coaching is counter productive when used in the wrong situation.

With an employee that is new to the job, there is often high motivation but a lack of capability. In this situation the supervisor should concentrate their time on teaching/instructing since building the relationship will have little impact on motivation. What these employees need is job specific task instruction; the instruct strategy.

By using these four strategies appropriately supervisors manage people both effectively and efficiently. The SLTI assessment lets supervisors and managers know what their dominant and secondary styles are, and how well they deploy the optimal strategy for the employees’ specific needs. Then there are exercises and activities to help supervisors better learn how to select strategies and implement them in novel ways such as through recognition and rewards. Strategic leadership places the new supervisor or manager on a firm foundation from which they can confidently build their own experiences and judgment.

Instructors can use this assessment booklet in a classroom training setting with, or without, one of the SLTi workshop Instructor’s Guides and their companion Participant Course books.

Online Version

Supervisors can complete the online SLTi and review the extensive report of their results as part of a self-directed learning exercise or trainers can use the online SLTI as a pre-course assignment for the organizations management skills training. Easy online administration gives the human resources trainer/administrator control of whether or not supervisors can print/view their assessment reports.

Supervisors that are having special challenges with certain co-workers or direct reports can invite others to provide direct feedback on how they exercise strategic leadership strategies. This feedback can help leaders obtain a more accurate view of how they manage others. With SLTi online there is no additional charge to add other rater data to the self assessment process. Supervisors simply type in email addresses online for the people they want feedback from and the online system does the rest. If the trainer or online administrator prefers to control who is invited to rate a manager they can do this also.

The comprehensive online feedback report includes:

  • Graphical color report of your dominant and least used styles.
  • A rating of your flexibility using multiple strategies/styles.
  • The effectiveness with which you select a strategy for a situation.
  • Summary learning narrative on each strategy.
  • How to measure an employees capacity to perform.
  • How to select the best strategy.
  • Exercises to apply SLTi techniques with a specific employee.
  • How to follow up with employees who are put on a developmental track.
  • Integration of the SLTi model with the employee development cycle.


Complete Trainer’s Kit

The Strategic Leadership Type Indicator (SLTi) is fast becoming the new standard for a 4-quadrant type supervisory leadership assessment. Trainers appreciate its simplicity combined with ample support materials but without burdensome certification requirements. Supervisors and managers like the emphasis on teaching the appropriate use of four different management styles, particularly the coaching style widely considered the most flexible and motivated supervision technique in wide use today.

The Complete SLTi Trainers Kit is a complete modular and integrated, leadership assessment and training program for supervisors and managers that includes 10 online Self or 360-degree assessments, 10 Participant Course books, 10 Starfish Files books, the 1-day Instructor’s Guide, and the SLTi DVD. Use the complete program to deliver from 2 hours to a full day workshop. Or if you prefer, choose only those products you wish and easily integrate them into your existing management training.

This exceptional leadership training package includes:

  • 10 SLTi Online assessments
  • 10 SLTi Participant Coursebooks
  • SLTi Leaders Guide (1-day version)
  • 10 The Starfish Files (novel culminating in SLTi)
  • SLTi DVD package




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