Leadership Effectiveness Profile

Use the Leadership Effectiveness Profile to measure 8 core leadership competencies via 96 items, with either self or 360 degree feedback.

About this Test

Use the Leadership Effectiveness Profile to measure 8 core leadership competencies via 96 items, with either self or 360 degree feedback. Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants for:

  • Contextual Thinking
  • Directional Clarity
  • Creative Assimilation
  • People Enablement
  • Reciprocal Communications

This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

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The Leadership Effectiveness Profile assessment is a 96 item, online questionnaire of these 8 leadership competencies and can produce individual and 360-degree feedback:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Contextual Thinking
  • Directional Clarity
  • Creative Assimilation
  • People Enablement
  • Reciprocal Communications
  • Change Orchestration
  • Drive/Persistence

This model is based on research that effective leadership rests on base qualities like drive, emotional intelligence and creativity. These fundamentals are directed by goal clarity and communication skills, then further leveraged by people enablement and contextual thinking which come together in effective change orchestration – the essence of leadership.

Leaders are encouraged to solicit feedback from other raters to capture 360-degree feedback. Data from other raters is displayed by category for comparison to “self” ratings.

When to Use the Leadership Effectiveness Profile

  • With Leadership and management candidates.
  • As an introduction to leadership training activity to expose participants to the full breadth of important leadership behaviors.
  • With leaders and managers who may have stalled in their thinking and need to be re-energized.
  • With leaders and managers who are experiencing performance problems.
  • As the center piece of either a 1-day facilitated training on leadership or with the LEP Workshop in more comprehensive 2 to 3 day leadership training.


  • Leadership report – Includes a 10/10 report that lists your top ten strengths and top ten development needs, in rank order.
  • Flexibility – This multi-rater assessment can be used as a leader’s self-assessment or with supervisors, peers, and direct reports for 360-degree feedback.
  • Standardized – The LEP questionnaire and report format is standardized with 9 different competency-based, online assessments that are part of this package. Standardized administration and report formats shorten the learning curve for participants who may use several of these assessments over the course of a year.
  • Easy to administer – The online administrative component is easy for both administrators and participants, yet provides administrators key control over the distribution of results.
  • Relevant feedback – Rather than providing just simple lists of strengths and weaknesses, the LEP provides development needs embedded in development planning templates that help make it easy for participants to take their next steps.


  • Measures 8 core leadership competencies through 96 items, with either self or 360 degree feedback.
  • Each behavioral item in the assessment is a positive leadership behavior.
  • Worded in simple, understandable and behavioral terms allowing any participant, regardless of education or English language proficiency, to understand and provide accurate ratings.
  • The report itself is broken into six smaller reports. Reports begin with summary competency scores and drill down to behavioral specifics including coaching tips for development and course and reading suggestions.
  • In the online format, there is no limit to the number of raters who can be invited to provide feedback.

Paper Version Available (Packs of 5)

Each leadership competency booklet uses ratings of 12 behaviors to develop a dimension score. The booklet provides generalized conclusions for high scores in a competency. At the same time participants are encouraged to focus on those specific behaviors they rated lowest. Suggested actions are provided for low scores in each competency.

Participants plot their competency scores on a overall profile chart that visually displays their leadership effectiveness strengths and development needs. There is a personal action plan worksheet for individuals to record their development needs and outline development actions.

360-Degree Component

For an additional cost, use the online Leadership Effectiveness Profile with an unlimited number of “other” raters to collect 360 degree feedback.

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Administration Time


Scoring Options


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