Assess a wide range of personality and work-style assessment for pre-screening and personnel development, leadership, job readiness, temperament and more.
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Advanced Multidimensional Personality Matrix
tHE Advanced Multidimensional Personality Matrix is based on the Five Factor Model and this full version includes the five main factors which are each broken down into several more specific elements to help assess personality traits for a variety of positions or for personal development.
Advanced Multidimensional Personality Matrix Abridged – 3rd Revision
The Advanced Multidimensional Personality Matrix Abridged is an overarching and comprehensive assessment of a person’s personality assessing the big five personality traits for a variety of positions or for personal development.
AMA DISC Survey®
Use the AMA DISC Survey® to accurately predict the on-the-job behaviours and measure personal styles including Directing, Influencing, Supportive, Contemplative.
Architect Test
Use the Architect Test to screen your candidates for professionalism, career-mindedness, personality fit and loyalty.
Assertiveness Rating Scale
$35.00Use the Assertiveness Rating Scale to assess the ability of individuals to communicate thoughts and opinions, be aggressive, stand up for themselves and consider others.
Assessment of Multiple Intelligences – Revised (AMI-R)
The Assessment of Multiple Intelligences is a self-assessment tool designed to help individuals identify which specific type of intelligence one possesses and how it can be used to his or her best advantage.
Attentional Interpersonal Style Inventory (TAIS)
Use TAIS for coaching, team-working, leadership, management development and succession planning. Match concentration skills and interpersonal characteristics with performance.
Attorney Test
Assess attorney candidates for aggression, detail-orientation, stability, optimism, and mental ability with the Attorney Test.
Broker-Relationship Manager Test
Use the Broker-Relationship Manager Test to assess managerial candidates for the mental ability to learn quickly, motivate employees, live up to their obligations and and maintain good relationships with clients.
Career Development Report for Individual Contributors
$74.00The Career Development Report for Individual Contributors helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for career development.
Career Personality Inventory
Use the Career Personality Inventory to match client’s personality types to their career and work preferences to help guide career searches.
Change Style Indicator
Use the Change Style Indicator to assess an individual’s preferred style in approaching and addressing change. – We’re sorry, we no longer offer this test. Please see our LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT SKILLS category for alternatives.
Child Care Worker I
$37.00Use the Child Care Worker I to assess applicants for roles involving supervising children, like camp counsellors, babysitters, youth volunteers, Scout leaders, sunday school teachers and more.
Child Care Worker II
$51.00Use the Child Care Worker II to ensure that the people you’re putting in charge of children have the right temperament, aptitude and skills for the job.
Childcare Aptitude Profile (Nanny Test)
$80.00The Childcare Aptitude Profile assesses whether a person has the necessary skills and traits to be a professional nanny, empathy, stress tolerance, respect for family privacy, etc.
Chiropractic Assistant Test
Use the Chiropractic Assistant Test to screen for customer oriented abilities, office skills, empathy, efficiency, handling insurance and medical records.
Coaching & Trainability Attitude Assessment
$35.00Use the Coaching & Trainability Attitude Assessment to measure an individual’s coachability, willingness to learn, accept feedback, and criticism, for a variety of roles.
Comprehensive Personality Hiring Test
Use the Comprehensive Personality Hiring Test to assess helpfulness dependability assertiveness creativity leadership for entry-level through management roles.
Comprehensive Personality Profile
The Comprehensive Personality Profile screens for roles such as customer service, telemarketing, and sales. Match personalities to position requirements.
Consultant Test
Use the Consultant Test to screen applicants for information handling, mental ability, problem solving, communication and teamwork skills.
CPI 260
The Psychological Screening Inventory – 2 identifies people who might benefit from more extensive examination and professional attention and a brief mental health screening device in situations where time and professional labor may be a premium.
DISC Personality Profile
$80.00The DISC Personality Profile is an in-depth work personality profile based on 4 main factors. Use it for Pre-employment, Personal development, Team building and Leadership development.
DISCstyles Assessment
$125.00Promote, coach, and train individuals and teams using the DISCstyles Assessment and identify personal strengths and motivations for leaders and teams.
Employee Assistance Program Inventory®
The Employee Assistance Program Inventory is an an intake and screening device for processionals that quickly identifies common problems and can be used to guide either referrals or short-term interventions.
Employee Attitude and Personality Test – Revised
$35.00The Employee Attitude and Personality Test – Revised is an overarching assessment of a person’s work personality profile, including trainability, initiative, abrasiveness, analytical thinking, emotional stability and more.
Entrepreneur Potential Test
$51.00Use the Entrepreneur Potential Test to gain insights on whether you’d be a success at starting your own company and happy with this type of career path.
Entrepreneurial Style & Success Indicator
$115.00The Entrepreneurial Style & Success Indicator helps you determine your inherent entrepreneurial tendencies, motivations, and propensities.
Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire
This personality assessment assesses respondents for Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience in counseling, research and business settings.
Franchisee – New Business Owner Test
$51.00The Franchisee/New Business Owner Test is a self-assessment tool for those planning on becoming self-employed to help them gauge their likelihood of success and/or satisfaction, assessing factors like growing the business through dint of their own effort, including securing financing, marketing, and sales.
Franchisee Personality Profile
$80.00The Franchisee Personality Profile assesses a person’s personality and attitudes to fit the ideal franchisee profile with versions for fast food, hotel and restaurant industries.
General Personality Survey
$71.00The General Personality Survey is ideal for hiring managers or consultants conducting selection, coaching, training, on-boarding, and/or in-depth individual assessments.
Goal-Setting Skills Assessment
$35.00The Goal-Setting Skills Assessment evaluates whether a person’s goal-related attitudes and behaviour are conducive to success.
Golden Personality Type Profiler™
$55.00Help your employees understand the basis for their decision-making, how they relate to other people, gain better insight into their personal style and how they impact others with the Golden Personality Type Profile.
Graphic Designer Test
Use the Graphic Designer Test to assess candidates for creativity, communication, temperament, thinking skills and intelligence. It identifies candidates who work well with others on joint projects and take customers needs into consideration, are willing to engage in an exchange of ideas without getting their feelings hurt, and are stable, dependable and innovative.
INSIGHT Inventory Series
The INSIGHT Inventory Series helps people gain in-depth insights into themselves, better understand others, and identify how to flex (adapt) their style to communicate better.
Intercultural Communication Inventory
The Intercultural Communication Inventory is aid to increase awareness and understanding about intercultural communication concepts and principles. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued. Please see our CULTURE & DIVERSITY SKILLS category for alternatives.
IT Analytical Aptitude Skills Evaluation
Use the IT Analytical Aptitude Skills Evaluation to assess an applicant’s aptitude and potential for analyzing business problems.
Jackson Personality Inventory-Revised
A personality assessment that can can help to assess people’s interpersonal, educational, and work-related behavior and functioning in a wide range of settings such as those involving work, educational/organizational behavior, or interpersonal situations.
Jackson Vocational Interest Survey
$25.00The Jackson Vocational Interest Survey is an education and career planning tool that provides a detailed snapshot of one’s interests and how they relate to the world of study and work.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II
The Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II is designed to help people better understand themselves and others. COD does not offer this assessment.
Leadership Development Guide for Civic Engagement (For Youth)
$29.50Use the Youth Leadership Development Guide for Civic Engagement coaching tool to help young people develop their inherent leadership skills. Please see the Youth Leadership Development Guide for Civic Engagement
Leadership WorkStyles
Leadership WorkStyles™ is a multi-rater development assessment tool that measures the thinking and behavioral styles that impact a manager’s ability to lead.
Locus of Control & Attribution Style Test
$34.00Locus of Control & Attribution Style Test assesses whether a person believes that he or she has an impact on and can control what happens in his or her life, which can impact motivation, expectations, self-esteem, and risk-taking behavior.
Negotiating Style Profile
The Negotiating Style Profile helps individuals to develop their collaborative negotiating styles through thought, preparation, and skill practice.
Negotiation Aptitude Profile
$34.00The NAP will assess whether a person has a knack for deal-making in the business world.
NEO – Personality Inventory-3
NEO – Personality Inventory-3™ is a concise measure of the five major domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness) and the six facets that define each domain.
NEO Five-Factor Inventory
Use the NEO Five-Factor Inventory to help you understand an individual’s basic emotional, interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal, and motivational styles.
Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire
Use The Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire to assess normal adults in counseling, research and business settings focusing on 16 different personality traits.
Occupational Personality Questionnaire
The Occupational Personality Questionnaire measures how aspects of an individual’s behavioural style will affect his or her performance at work.
Occupational Personality Questionnaire – Universal Competency
The Occupational Personality Questionnaire – Universal Competency Profile measures how aspects of an individual’s behavioural style will affect his or her performance at work.
Occupational: Accountant/Auditor
The Occupational: Accountant/Auditor measures the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your accountant, auditor, banking and financial manager candidates.
Occupational: Customer Service
$42.00Use the Occupational: Customer Service to measure speed and accuracy, verbal, and numerical abilities and work style for service roles.
Occupational: Financial Analyst
$74.00Use the Occupational: Financial Analyst to measure a candidate’s potential fit for the role of an Analyst within the financial industry by assessing critical thinking and work style.
PAI® (Personality Assessment Inventory: Adolescent)
The PAI® (Personality Assessment Inventory: Adolescent) an objective personality assessment for use with adolescents. – We’re sorry, we no longer offer the Personality Assessment Inventory. It is available, to qualified purchasers, at
PAI® (Personality Assessment Inventory: for Law Enforcement)
The PAI® (Personality Assessment Inventory: for Law Enforcement) is for identifying potential pre-existing psychological risks for individuals applying for Law Enforcement positions. – We’re sorry, we no longer offer the Personality Assessment Inventory. It is available, to qualified purchasers, at
PAI® (Personality Assessment Inventory)
The PAI® (Personality Assessment Inventory) is for identifying psychopathological syndromes and providing information relevant for clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and screening for adult psychopathology. – We’re sorry, we no longer offer the Personality Assessment Inventory. It is available, to qualified purchasers, at
Pandemic Resilience Test
The FREE Pandemic Resilience Test evaluates a number of traits and skills that play an important role in people’s response to adversity, and offers loads of helpful, down-to-earth advice on how to manage the stress and fear stirred up by the COVID-19 epidemic. The Test evaluates nine factors, eight of which can act as a protective psychological “shield” against the stress caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
Paralegal Test
Use the Paralegal Test to screen applicants for character, integrity, fortitude, self-assurance, mental abilities and service orientation.
Pastor-Minister Test
Use the Pastor-Minister Test to screen applicants for leadership, ethics, mental ability, agreeableness, conflict management and more.
Pastor-Minister Test (Personality Only)
Use the Pastor-Minister Test (Personality Only) to screen applicants for leadership, ethics, mental ability, agreeableness, conflict management and more.
Personal Style Assessment I Test
$37.00Use the Personal Style Assessment I Test to screen applicants for someone who is moral and has a strong work ethic, is easy to get along with, assertive, enjoys teamwork and is a team player.
Personal Style Indicator
The Personal Style Indicator self-assessment helps you and your clients discover your natural preferences towards time, people, tasks, and situations. It provides you (and others) with self-awareness that’s positive and motivates people to take action to improve relationships – of personal, professional and with yourself.
Personal Style Inventory
The Personal Style Inventory test and training workshop is an accurate, statistically reliable personality-style assessment.
Personal Value Questionnaire
Tthe Personal Value Questionnaire questionnaire and workbook offers a simple, straightforward way for people to begin thinking about what matters to them.
Personality Research Form
The Personality Research Form measures 22 personality traits of normal functioning for use in employee selection, sports psychology, and in clinics. NOTE: This is a B-Level Test.
Personality Self-Portrait
The Personality Self-Portrait (PSP™) illustrates the wide range of normal personality styles that combine to create each individual’s unique personality profile, and demonstrates how each personality style influences relationships, work, and home life.
Production Associate Personality Test
$26.00Use the Production Associate Personality Test to identify people who will work cooperatively with your team, are stable and dependable, easy to get along with, hard working, and who communicate well with management, supervisors & co-workers.
Production Associate Tests 1 to 5
Use the Production Employee 1-5 Tests to identify candidates with skills and aptitudes like Rule Following Communication Information Processing Personality Social Intelligence
Psychological Screening Inventory-2
The Psychological Screening Inventory – 2 identifies people who might benefit from more extensive examination and professional attention and a brief mental health screening device in situations where time and professional labor may be a premium.
Psychometric Personality Test
$37.00Use the Psychometric Personality Test to screen applicants for trustworthy, hard-working, friendly employees who enjoy working with people. See the Psychometric Personality Test with Cognitive Aptitude Test as well.
Psychometric Personality Test with Cognitive Aptitude Test
$51.00Use the Psychometric Personality Test with Cognitive Aptitude Test to screen applicants for intelligent, ethical and hard-working employees. See the Psychometric Personality Test as well.
Psychometrics 360
Use the Psychometrics 360 to provide intuitive multi-source feedback to help leaders quickly identify their strengths and developmental needs.
Quick Style Indicator
Use the Quick Style Indicator to develop style awareness of self and others, increasing understanding, improving communications and reducing interpersonal conflicts.
Relating Styles
The Relating Styles is a self-assessment and workbook that explores the communication and decision-making patterns you bring into a relationship.
Remote Worker Aptitude Assessment
$35.00The Remote Worker Aptitude Assessment is designed to determine whether a person is suited for remote work in terms of personality, attitude, and conduct.
Self-Esteem Assessment
$34.00The Self-Esteem Assessment – 2nd Revision evaluates an individual’s general level of self-esteem and assess whether their self-image could use improvement.
Self-Worth Inventory
The Self-Worth Inventory is a self-scored learning and communication tool that you establish your self-worth levels in 5 critical areas.
Sensitivity to Criticism Test
$34.00The Sensitivity to Criticism Test – Revised will assess whether an individual will become defensive in response to constructive criticism.
SIGMA Personality
The SIGMA Personality is designed to help measure 42 distinct traits grouped into seven personality dimensions: Agreeableness, Emotional Stability, Extraversion, Honesty/Humility, Industriousness, Methodicalness, and Openness to Experience. Each dimension covers a different broad area of personality.
Six Factor Personality Questionnaire
The Six Factor Personality Questionnaire (16PF) establishes a fully-rounded picture of the whole individual, making it a vital roadmap for decision makers and help understand the enduring personality characteristics of individuals.
Social Personality & Skills Assessment
$34.00Use the Social Personality & Skills Assessment – Revised to assess whether a person’s social skills are helping or hindering their interactions with others.
Success Likelihood Profile
$34.00The SLPro will assess whether there are any potential psychological obstacles that could limit an individual’s likelihood for success.
SureHire is an assessment specifically designed to measure the competencies necessary for job success in a retail environment and measures, Problem Solving, Work Orientation, and Customer Service Orientation.
Survey of Work Styles
Use the Survey of Work Styles to select and counsel managers for impatience, anger, time urgency, competitiveness and job dissatisfaction.
Thrive Cognitive Ability and Personality Assessments
The Thrive Cognitive Ability and Personality Assessments are a unique, flexible and customizable pre-screening tool that include powerful predictors of job performance and long-term professional success.
Values Preference Indicator
The Values Preference Indicator helps clients prioritize 21 behavioural values, and make over 300 micro decisions about their values.
ViewPoint Assessments
Use the ViewPoint Assessments to assess attitudes and characteristics critical for success in a wide range of jobs, from hourly and entry-level to management level, in virtually all industries.
Work From Home/Telecommuting Test I
$37.00Use the Work From Home/Telecommuting Test I to identify trustworthy, hard working, dependable, autonomous employees who can multi-task and work remotely. This test assesses Personality Only. See the Work From Home/Telecommuting Test II as an alternative.
Work From Home/Telecommuting Test II
$51.00Use the Work From Home/Telecommuting Test II to identify trustworthy, hard working, dependable, autonomous employees who can multi-task and work remotely.
Work Personality Index
Use the Work Personality Index© to obtain a valid and dependable measure of personality traits that directly influence a person’s work performance and task effectiveness. This product has been replaced/updated with the Work Personality Index II©
Work Personality Index-II
$60.00Use the Work Personality Index II © to obtain a valid and dependable measure of personality traits that directly influence a person’s work performance and task effectiveness.
Work Style Lens ™
$48.00The Work Style Lens (WS-Lens) measures 16 work styles related to job success and tied directly to the Department of Labor’s O*NET database of job description information.
Workplace Personality Inventory II
$50.00Use the Workplace Personality Inventory II to assess work-related personality traits, shown to be important to job success in a wide range of occupations.
Workplace Personality Profile
$50.00The Workplace Personality Profile provides a reliable measurement of nine personality traits (i.e., achievement drive, assertiveness, flexibility, helping disposition, reliability, self-confidence, stress management, team player and trustworthiness) to obtain a proper job fit.
Youth Leadership Development Guide for Civic Engagement
$30.00Use the Youth Leadership Development Guide for Civic Engagement coaching tool to help young people develop their inherent leadership skills.
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