Sales Supervisor Solution
Use the Sales Supervisor Solution for entry-level sales leadership positions that supervise employees and have a their job performance based on sales.
About this Test
Use the Sales Supervisor Solution for entry-level sales leadership positions that supervise employees and have a their job performance based on sales. Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants for skills like:
- Innovation
- Sales Potential
- Reliability
- Management Potential
This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.
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The Sales Supervisor solution is an assessment used for job candidates applying to entry-level sales leadership positions that generally supervise employees and have a significant portion of their job performance based on sales. Sample tasks for these jobs include, but are not limited to: planning and preparing work schedules, promoting products to customers; training subordinates; building ongoing customer relationships; and making day-to-day decisions with minimal guidance from others. Potential job titles that use this solution are: Assistant Sales Manager and Sales Supervisor.
Job Level – Front Line Supervisor/ Team Leader
Job Family/Title – Sales Suite
Languages Available – English (US)
Average Testing Time – (minutes) 38 minutes
Maximum Number of Questions – 154 items
Designed for Unproctored Environment – Yes
Question Format – Multiple choice, Adaptive
Management Potential: This measures a candidate’s tendency to make good judgments about how to effectively respond to work situations. This is determined by scores derived from the candidate’s responses to questions regarding situations one would likely encounter as a manager.
Thoroughness: This measures a candidate’s tendency to be thorough and precise in approaching work and personal activities. This trait is characterized by: being accurate; finding and correcting errors; and maintaining order in work and personal affairs.
Reliability: This measures a candidate’s responsibility for his/her own actions and a commitment to performing assigned tasks. This trait is characterized by: reliability; proactive involvement in work; and a dedication to complete even the most mundane tasks.
Achievement: This measures a candidate’s tendency to set and accomplish challenging goals, while persisting in the face of significant obstacles. This trait is characterized by: working hard; taking satisfaction and pride in producing high quality work; and being competitive.
Innovation: This measures the tendency of the candidate’s creativity in working through problems and making decisions. This trait is seen as: producing novel solutions to problems; using imagination to create unique ideas or products; and logically applying multiple and inventive strategies when considering alternatives.
Influence: This component measures the tendency of a candidate’s effectiveness in directing and influencing others. This trait is characterized by: persuading and negotiating effectively with others; influencing others’ decision-making; and coordinating others’ efforts to accomplish work.
Independence: This component measures the tendency of a person’s willingness to take action and to make decisions independently. This trait is revealed in: working effectively without immediate supervision; not being overly dependent on help from others; and being resourceful in the face of challenges.
Professional Potential: This is a measure of the tendency to have potential for professional success across industry type and functional area. This is characterized by scores that are derived from responses to questions regarding academic and social background, and aspirations concerning work.
Persistence: This measures the tendency to be influential, confident, and persistent when working towards sales goals. This trait is characterized by suggesting solutions to meet customer needs, demonstrating confidence in the sales process, and persisting and displaying resiliency when faced with challenges or setbacks.
Sales Potential: This is a measure of the tendency to have a combination of sales skills and experiences that predict success in sales positions. This is characterized by: showing alternative solutions based on customer needs; directing conversations toward a commitment/order/sale; showing confidence even after a hard refusal/rejection; and striving to close a transaction every time. This is demonstrated by answering questions on a multifaceted measure relating to background, experience, and opinions.
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