Director/Senior Manager

Use the Director-Senior Manager solution to identify leaders for senior positions for planning, directing, or coordinating key business activities and operations.

About this Test

Hire the right person with the Director-Senior Manager (formerly the Director – Short Form) solution for senior level positions responsible for the planning, directing, or coordinating key business activities and operations of companies.   Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants for skills like:

  • Reasoning
  • Business Acumen
  • Drive
  • Judgement
  • Motivation

This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

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The Director-Senior Manager solution is intended for use with senior level positions responsible for the planning, directing, or coordinating key business activities and operations of companies. Duties and responsibilities include formulating policies, managing daily operations, and planning the use of materials and human resources. Potential job titles that use this solution are: Director, Regional Director, and Director of Operations.

Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) technology dynamically adjusts the Director-Senior Manager test to the level of the test taker resulting in shorter test times, increased accuracy and enhanced security.

Job Level: Director Job
Family/Title: Business Suite
Average Testing Time (minutes): 69 minutes
Maximum Number of Questions: 216 items
Number of Sittings: One
Designed for Unproctored Environment: Yes
Question Format: Multiple Choice, Adaptive

Leadership Professionalism: This is a measure of the tendency to have potential for professional success across industry type and functional area. This is characterized by scores that are derived from responses to questions regarding academic and social background, and aspirations concerning work.

Deductive Reasoning: This assessment measures the ability to draw logical conclusions based on information provided, identify strengths and weaknesses of arguments, and complete scenarios using incomplete information. It provides an indication of how an individual will perform when asked to develop solutions when presented with information and draw sound conclusions from data. This form of reasoning is commonly required to support work and decision making in many different types of jobs at many levels.

Director Potential: This is a measure of the tendency to have potential for success as a director across industry type and functional area. This is characterized by scores that are derived from the candidate’s responses to questions regarding academic and social background, and aspirations concerning work.

Director Judgment: This is a measure of the tendency to make good judgments about how to effectively respond to work situations. This is determined by scores derived from the candidate’s responses to questions regarding situations one would likely encounter as a director.

Business Acumen: This is a measure of the tendency to analyze and detect underlying themes when solving problems. This is a trait characterized by: visualizing future needs and problems; being creative and innovative when generating new ideas; systematically looking at data; and planning and organizing tasks.

Building Relationships: This is a measure of the tendency to understand and impact the thoughts and feelings of others. This trait is characterized by: being open to the ideas of others; being supportive and concerned about others; and gaining the support and commitment of others.

Drive for Results: This is a measure of the tendency to take a leadership role within an organization. This trait is characterized by: taking pride in reaching difficult goals; enjoying a fast-paced lifestyle; having high self-confidence in his/her abilities; and taking charge in group situations.

Self Motivation: This is a measure of the tendency to be even-tempered and responsible in the workplace. This trait is characterized by: being dependable; behaving in accordance with high ethical standards; being optimistic; and remaining relaxed in stressful situations.

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SKU: 637 Category:

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