Creative Organizational Design is your one-stop shop for tests and assessments.


We bring over 40 years of experience and expertise to help you pre-screen, promote and develop your employees.

Finding the solution is easy.

It’s identifying the problem that’s difficult.

Let us help you identify the problem and fix it.

Announcements & Articles

“Finding the solution is easy, it’s identifying the problem that’s difficult.”

Albert Einstein

Over 1000 New Tests Recently Added

We are pleased to announce that we have added over 1000 new test titles to our catalogue! The IBM Kenexa tests have been widely used and highly regarded measures of job fit, personality, job skills and more.  The range of options available to employers is immense and...

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2022 Holiday Hours

Creative Organizational Design will be closed from 5 PM on Tuesday December 20th 2022, and reopening on January 2nd 2023.

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