Employee Assessment Tests

Expertly providing the most effective Skills and Aptitude Tests since 1979.

For over 40 years, Creative Organizational Design has provided an extensive selection of reliable, accurate and validated Assessment Tools for screening, testing and developing employees.

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Personality & Personal Style

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"Finding the solution is easy, it's identifying the problem that's difficult."

Albert Einstein

TEST Employees or Applicants to:

  • Hire or promote the right employees using pre-screening tests and assessments.
  • Keep the right employees by determining skill levels, aptitude, ability, and attitude.
  • Reliably measure honesty, customer service, management skills, dexterity, teamwork, burnout, time management, stress, and much more.

Our expertise lies in helping you to choose the right test for your unique needs from hundreds of available options.

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Savvy Business Articles You Need To Read

NEW – Therapy Assessments

We’re pleased to announce the recent addition of 17 assessments designed to help counsellors, therapists and other professionals investigate and diagnose a variety of mental health disorders and personality traits amongst their clientele.

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Not Using Assessments Is Your Biggest Mistake

Given the fact that there are thousands of reliable, accurate, validated, and legal assessment options available to employers, it’s more than just surprising that so many articles written to help employers improve their candidate screening processes don’t even mention tests.  Practically all of the ’best practices’ and tips listed in the articles are valid and helpful (see Endnotes).  Where they’ve missed the boat is by overlooking the incredible benefit offered by pre-employment screening tools.

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