Employee Assessment Tests
Expertly providing the most effective Skills and Aptitude Tests since 1979.For over 40 years, Creative Organizational Design has provided an extensive selection of reliable, accurate and validated Assessment Tools for screening, testing and developing employees.
Find Tests for Assessing:
Basic Skills & On-the-Job Skills
In the areas of:
Clerical & Administrative Skills (101)
Assessments for things like checking, coding, filing, punctuation, spelling, following directions, executive assistants, medical office roles and more. -
Computer Skills (69)
Assessments for basic computer literacy skills and things like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Office, computer operating, computer programming, data entry, 10-Key, etc. -
General Pre-Screening (195)
Assessments for reliability, work ethic, adaptability, commitment, interpersonal skills, non-violence, drug avoidance, productivity, honesty, following instructions, conscientiousness, general, verbal and numerical reasoning, etc. -
Industrial & Mechanical Skills (188)
Assessments for stock picking, welding, CNC machining, mechanical comprehension, shop math, electricians, apprentices, plumbers, trouble shooting, maintenance, engineering, technical sales and much more. -
Manual Dexterity (10)
Assessments for fine finger and gross motor dexterity skills, including tweezer dexterity, pegboards and hand tool usage tests. -
Math (88)
Assessments for basic math, computation, numerical reasoning, business math, industrial math, clerical, and retail math skills. -
Office Skills (100)
Assessments for things like checking, coding, filing, punctuation, spelling, following directions, and more. -
Reading & Writing (59)
Assessments for reading comprehension, and writing ability, accuracy, vocabulary, grade-level equivalency, etc. -
Workplace Safety (19)
Assessments for workplace safety and quality, counter-productive behaviours, risk avoidance, etc.
Personality & Personal Style
In the areas of:
Career & Vocational Interest (97)
Assessments for coaches, counsellors, youth, students, ex-offenders, people with disabilities, seminar participants and individuals seeking career direction, career guidance, career exploration, career transition, vocational exploration, identifying educational barriers, entrepreneurial readiness, and more. -
Communication Skills (39)
Assess communication effectiveness, business communications, cross-cultural communication and transition, instructional style, presentation skills, etc. -
Conflict Resolution (21)
Assess personal style, dealing with conflict, team communication, work style, etc. -
Critical Thinking & Reasoning (72)
Assess problem solving, numerical, general and abstract reasoning, business analysis, perceptual speed, fluid reasoning, general intelligence, etc. -
Culture & Diversity Skills (8)
Assessments for organizational culture, cultural awareness, work recognition, etc. -
Dependability (24)
Assessments for applicant potential, risk assessment, counterproductive behaviours, dependability, productivity and reliability. -
Education (13)
Assessments for educational exploration, training needs, grade level equivalency, trainer competence and more. -
Emotional Intelligence (11)
A collection of tests and assessments that emotional intelligence in employees and applicants for a variety of applications. -
Honesty & Integrity (19)
Assess honesty, integrity, temperament, theft risk, drug/alcohol avoidance, etc. -
Leadership & Management Skills (197)
Assess supervisors, managers, management readiness, development, 360-degree assessments, branch managers, business development, executives, leadership character, leadership style, leadership effectiveness and more. -
Learning Style (9)
Assess adaptability, learning styles, instructional styles, etc. -
Mental Alertness (23)
Assess analytical skills, core abilities, general cognition, general reasoning, decision making, multitasking, visual comparison, etc. -
Personality (104)
Assess a wide range of personality and work-style assessment for pre-screening and personnel development, leadership, job readiness, temperament and more. -
Stress Management (21)
A range of tests and assessments to identify and measure occupational and work-related stressors, stress management, stress coping abilities and stress related to specific occupations. -
Teamwork (43)
A collection of dozens of assessments designed for individual and group applications to identify team working skills, to improve team effectiveness, for employee and team development needs; and assessments that contain a teamwork scale as part of their other measures. -
Time Management (11)
A variety of assessment tools designed to measure time management skills and abilities and which includes assessments that include time management as part of their other scales.
Specific Job Areas
In the areas of:
Business Analyst (7)
A range of assessments specific Business Analyst roles and skills. -
Call Centre & Telemarketing (47)
Assessments for inbound and outbound call centres, contact centre workers, customer service and order takers, service centres, collections, technical support, customer care, receptionist roles, and include scales like stress tolerance, resilience, persuasiveness, etiquette, reasoning skills, etc. -
Customer Service (81)
Assessments for a variety of customer service and related skills in various situations, including retail, healthcare, hospitality, service, call centre and other roles. -
Human Resources (15)
A range of assessments for measuring interviewing skills, Customer Relationship Management systems, HR skills and HR functions. -
Sales (72)
Assessments for a variety of sales roles from entry level to professional, commission and non-commission, luxury products, inside and outside sales roles, telephone sales, retail sales and more.
Specific Professions & Industries
In the areas of:
Banking Skills (29)
Assessments for banking employees such as tellers, bank managers, accounting managers, other finance roles and skills such as handling money, etc. -
Education (30)
Tests and Assessments for assessing employees and applicants in the education profession and roles involving working with or instructing children and adolescents, including camp counselling roles. -
Engineering (14)
Assessments specific to engineers and engineering/industrial skills. -
Finance (52)
Assessments for numeracy, financial literacy, financial management, accounting skills etc. -
Healthcare (63)
Assessments for nurses, patient care, medical terminology, medical filing, drug store employees, laboratory technicians, massage therapists, physicians, medical transcription, etc. -
Hospitality (42)
Assessments for concierge, front desk, food service, hotel managers, household workers, nannies, servers, etc. -
Industrial & Manufacturing (194)
Assessments for all manner of industrial skills from general math and general reading to stock picking, date management, production roles, supervision, engineers, technical skills, print reading, maintenance, welding, electrical, HVAC and more. -
Information Technology (30)
Over 200 assessments for computer programmers, software skills, Microsoft Office applications, HTML, C++, SQL Server, server administration, disaster recovery, computer fundamentals, Java, network security and more. -
Insurance (27)
Assessments for insurance roles, claims adjusters, account managers, claims agents, underwriters and more. -
Law Enforcement & Public Safety (10)
Assessments designed specifically for policing, security and public safety-related occupations including police officers, security guards, fire-arms handling, personality and more. -
Retail (31)
Assessments for all levels of retail skills, including restaurant managers, retail theft, cashiers, retail readiness, collections agents, hospitality, consultants, retail sales, etc. -
Therapy & Mental Health (14)
"Finding the solution is easy, it's identifying the problem that's difficult."
TEST Employees or Applicants to:
- Hire or promote the right employees using pre-screening tests and assessments.
- Keep the right employees by determining skill levels, aptitude, ability, and attitude.
- Reliably measure honesty, customer service, management skills, dexterity, teamwork, burnout, time management, stress, and much more.
Our expertise lies in helping you to choose the right test for your unique needs from hundreds of available options.
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Savvy Business Articles You Need To Read
New Graduates Are Creating Big Problems For Employers!
Recent studies have found that Gen Z (individuals born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s) and who are graduating from colleges now, are posing a significant problem for employers these days. Our clients are also complaining about the same things that these studies have highlighted. It seems to be a nearly universal occurrence across North America. The findings are concerning, widespread, and difficult to resolve. None of this bodes well for employers or for young people entering the workforce. Gen Z will overtake Boomers in the full-time workforce and so, employers (and the rest of us) will have to deal with them one way or another.
Train Your Leaders and Improve Your Organization
Corporate management is currently under siege, and senior leaders are retiring in record numbers. When these people leave the workforce, they’ll be taking years of training, knowledge, and mentoring opportunities with them. Many of those left standing will not yet be ready to assume the responsibilities of the roles left vacant, and their organizations will suffer a variety of negative consequences unless they act proactively to ensure a smooth transition as senior team members age out of the workforce. Savvy and forward-thinking organizations need to ensure that the next generation of managers is ready to step into leadership positions and be successful in them.
70% Of Employers State That Communication Is The Most Desirable Skill For Potential Recruits
A 2024 report on “Communication in the Workplace Statistics 2024” indicates clearly that effective communication skills are critical skills for job success. One might think that that’s a bit of a no-brainer. However, this topic comes up again, and again, in workplace surveys and articles about career success, and has done for years. Just one example is Debra Hamilton’s Top 10 Email Blunders That Cost Companies Money from fifteen years ago in 2009.
The statistics show that 86% of employees and executives cite the lack of effective collaboration and communication as the main causes of workplace failures. Lack of effective communication creates big problems for everyone in many organizations. According to the Workplace Statistics 2024 report, 70% of people surveyed believe that wasted time is one of the worst consequences of poor communication, and 81% of global recruiters believe that cross-cultural competence is the most important communication skill job candidates should have, followed by multilingualism (77%), and active listening (75%).