Personal Style Assessment I Test

Use the Personal Style Assessment I Test to screen applicants for someone who is moral and has a strong work ethic, is easy to get along with, assertive, enjoys teamwork and is a team player.

About this Test

Use the Personal Style Assessment I Test to screen applicants for someone who is moral and has a strong work ethic, is easy to get along with, assertive, enjoys teamwork and is a team player.  Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants for skills like:

  • Teamwork
  • Morals
  • Work Ethic

This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

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Use the PSI if you cannot find an exact match for the job you seek to fill. This all-purpose test has been validated across a wide range of settings and outcomes.

Purpose: This online assessment includes a basic set of personality and aptitude tests suitable for evaluating candidates going into a wide variety of positions. In general, this tests for someone who is moral and has a strong work ethic, is easy to get along with, assertive, enjoys teamwork and is a team player.

About the Test: This test battery has two parts (1) a 96 question personality inventory, and (2) a 44 item untimed aptitude test that covers verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning. This test takes about an hour although it will vary from person to person because it is untimed.

What the Report Gives You: Graphical display of scores and Suggested Interview Questions.

Testing Process: Online testing provides immediate reporting. Proctoring is desirable but not required.

Contrast to the Personal Style II:  The Personal Style I and Personal Style II are exactly the same test, i.e. same questions.  The difference is that the report for the Personal Style II is more comprehensive, hence the price difference.  The Personal Style II report builds on the Personal Style I report by adding a list of personality Strengths and Developmental Concerns.

Contrast to the Personal Style Assessment II + Career Development Report:  When you choose this option, the candidate takes the  Personal Style II but it results in TWO reports:  (1) an evaluative report for the hiring manager and (2) a career development report suitable for sharing with the job candidate or new hire.  The career development report can be used for personal growth or for coaching purposes.

The Personal Style Assessment Evaluates:

Pre-Employment Test for Personal Style

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