Kolb Experiential Learning Profile (KELP)

The NEW Kolb Experiential Learning Profile (KELP) was created as a self-reflection tool to help learners understand themselves better through their individual preferences in approaching an ideal process of learning.

About this Test

The NEW Kolb Experiential Learning Profile (KELP) was created as a self-reflection tool to help learners understand themselves better through their individual preferences in approaching an ideal process of learning.

See the other KOLB tools including the KOLB Team Learning Experience too.

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Providing learners with a self-reflective tool to help them understand how they learn from experience and their unique individual approach to learning.  Become more effective in any life situation by understanding how you learn.

The KELP is the newest version and replacement of the Kolb Learning Styles Inventory 4.0.

The way you learn is the way you live make decisions, solve problems, change, collaborate, innovate, and improve. The first step in your awareness of your own learning is self-assessment.  The NEW Kolb Experiential Learning Profile (KELP) was created as a self-reflection tool to help learners understand themselves better through their individual preferences in approaching an ideal process of learning. 

The KELP provides transformative self-awareness that you can use to improve performance, learn, and continue to develop throughout your life.  The KELP will help you and your employees or learners to understand themselves better, to collaborate more successfully on teams, and to use new learning methods to meet the demands you face.

Informed by an extensive research base of more than 106,000 scholarly citations and continuous improvements through six previous versions, the new KELP gives a broader and more personalized view of how we learn than previous learning style instruments.  Millions of users in 164 countries around the world have contributed to the KELP normative comparison group of more than 26,000 students and working adults from a wide range of occupations and educational backgrounds.

The KELP can help employees and students understand how their learning styles affect problem solving, teamwork, handling conflict, communication and career choice. The results can help teams find out why they work well together or encounter conflict. The KELP strengthens overall learning for people in all walks of life.

The NEW Kolb Experiential Learning Profile (KELP) is a self-administered questionnaire-type assessment that you complete online. When completed and submitted, you  will receive via email an extensive personal report, which includes:

  • How you use the ideal cycle of learning in your life and work
  • Your typical learning style from the nine ways of learning
  • Your learning flexibility, which allows you to expand your ability to use other styles for full-cycle learning
  • Applications for what you have learned about yourself to increase your learning power, become more effective, and continue to mature throughout life.

The KELP assessment takes 10-15 minutes to complete.

How It Works

The KELP is a self-administered assessment that you complete online. The inventory takes 10–15 minutes to complete. Once you submit your answers, you will receive an email with an extensive personal report, which includes:

  • How you use the ideal cycle of learning in your life and work
  • Your typical learning style from the nine ways of learning 
  • Your learning flexibility, which allows you to expand your ability to use other styles for full-cycle learning 
  • Applications for what you have learned about yourself to increase your learning power, become more effective, and continue to mature throughout life.

Who Should Take The KELP

  • Individual lifelong learners
  • Students, trainees, mentees and coaches
  • Educators, teachers, administrators, trainers, coaches and mentors
  • Employers, managers and team leaders
  • Team members, employees and group members

Understanding how people learn can help you to target your training and development efforts, motivate teams, and make optimum use of your collective time, resources and capabilities. The Kolb Experiential Learning Profile recognizes individual learning preferences, while encouraging individuals to expand learning strengths.

The KELP is an online web based assessment product. Participants will need to use the latest versions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox to ensure a quality assessment experience.

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