General Entry-Level 7.0 – All Industries

The General Entry-Level 7.0 – All Industries assess the skills for entry-level general office positions like, Administrator, Clerk, Veterinary Assistant, Stocker, Dish Washer, Office Coordinator, Tour Guide, Cook, Assistant, Housekeeper, Waste Collector.

About this Test

Ensure that your candidate has the skills you need with the General Entry-Level 7.0 – All Industries.  It assess the skills for entry-level general office positions like, Administrator, Clerk, Veterinary Assistant, Stocker, Dish Washer, Office Coordinator, Tour Guide, Cook, Assistant, Housekeeper, Waste Collector.   Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants for skills like:

  • Achievement
  • Professional Potential
  • Teamwork

This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

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Formerly the General Entry Level – Short Form, the new General Entry Level 7.0 – All Industries is designed for entry-level positions across industries. This solution predicts the following types of behaviors foundational to all jobs: being on-time to work; following rules and policies; treating others respectfully; producing quality work; meeting goals; and effectively working alongside others. This solution can be used across all industries with entry-level positions. Example titles include, but are not limited to: Administrator, Clerk, Veterinary Assistant, Stocker, Dish Washer, Office Coordinator, Tour Guide, Cook, Assistant, Housekeeper, Waste Collector.

Job Level: Entry-Level
Job Family/Title: Business/Clerical
Average Testing Time (minutes): 19 minutes
Maximum Number of Questions: 52 items
Number of Sittings: One
Designed for Unproctored Environment: Yes
Question Format: Multiple Choice, Adaptive
Languages: English (USA), English International, French (Canada), Latin American Spanish

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Competencies Measured

Achievement: This component measures the tendency to set and accomplish challenging goals, while persisting in the face of significant obstacles. This trait is characterized by: working hard; taking satisfaction and pride in producing high quality work; and being competitive.

Professional Potential: This is a measure of the tendency to have potential for professional success across industry types and functional area. This is characterized by scores that are derived from responses to questions regarding academic and social background, and aspirations concerning

Responsibility: This trait is a measure of a person’s responsibility for their own actions and a commitment to performing assigned tasks. This trait is characterized by: reliability; proactive involvement in work; and a dedication to completing even the most mundane tasks.

Teamwork: The tendency to work effectively in teams. High scorers are likely to be polite and friendly, put forth effort to help others, stay calm in tense situations, communicate openly and directly with other team members, and display a willingness to help others.

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Appropriate For

Administration Time


Scoring Options


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