PeopleClues® Tests

The PeopleClues® Tests measure personality traits, cognitive abilities and attitudes for a wide range of jobs and skill sets.

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The PeopleClues® Tests measure personality traits, cognitive abilities and attitudes for a wide range of jobs and skill sets.  Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants for the following skills:

  • Conscientiousness
  • Hostility
  • Integrity
  • Substance Abuse

This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

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The PeopleClues® Tests provide more effective decision making, training and development and strategic workforce planning. These tests help to measure people for their unique personality characteristics, cognitive abilities and attitudes. These measurements are then available from screening to hiring and on-boarding, lateral moves and promotions, training and coaching, and leadership identification and development.

CLUES® is a set of leading edge, validated behavioral assessments that measure personality traits, cognitive abilities and attitudes. CLUES® was created using the most modern protocols for validation and is designed to be used throughout the lifecycle for employees for selection, development, succession planning, career development and strategic workforce planning.

The selection of new employees or promotion of existing employees is often the “entry point” of the Employee Lifecycle and the point at which you assess the core behavioral traits, cognitive abilities and attitudes of each individual. This allows you to database incoming talent and utilize that data for coaching, training, succession planning, etc. throughout the lifecycle of the employee.

JobClues® and CandidClues® are PeopleClues® Tests flagship products that allow you to access core measurements, or you may choose to utilize an industry specific selection product such as HealthClues™ or AutoClues™. These products allow you to compare these core measurements of potential employees to those that you have found to be most successful in your environment.

Finding the right people to hire or promote is often difficult. Our aging, culturally diverse, and heterogeneous work force increases that challenge, and our globally competitive economy makes searching for competent workers an even more formidable task. The rise of the Internet and the virtual avalanche of resumes that are received in response to each job posting make the task of finding suitable candidates yet more laborious.

Still, hiring the wrong people poses serious risk to both the small business and the large, multinational corporation. Indeed, the costs of a hiring mistake are estimated to be from one-half to ten times an individual’s yearly salary. The expense of a hiring mistake is one that must be controlled by using a systematic and consistent approach to locating and hiring competent and suitable people.

Hiring a competent and suitable individual to fill a position is a true win-win proposition, a win for both the new employee and the employer. Recruiting competent people for positions in which they can succeed, feel good about what they are doing, and experience the positive regard of their co-workers is highly reinforcing to everybody.

For the employer, hiring such people is equally important. First, it saves money by raising productivity, lowering personnel turnover, and reducing supervisory problems. Further, personnel conflicts and problems decline sharply, as does turnover of new hires, which result in considerable savings in additional hiring costs and downtime. Proper selection processes significantly reduce the risk of prosecution for negligent or discriminatory hiring practices.

The PeopleClues® Tests line-up offers you three assessment tools that assess candidate:

  • Attitudes
  • Cognition
  • Personality


The PeopleClues® Tests Attitude Assessment assesses a candidate’s ‘fit’ with the Company by measuring six areas of potentially counterproductive behaviors by a self-descriptive inventory that taps six substantive areas of concern as well a Good Impression (validity) scale.

The scales measured are:

  • Conscientious (Dependability): Describes the degree to which the individual lacks persistence, work motivation, and organization, ranging from being lackadaisical and careless to being highly disciplined and dependable.
  • Hostility (Aggression): Describes the degree to which the person is not able to suppress angry feeling but rather expresses anger physically or verbally to co-workers and thus poses a real risk in the workplace.
  • Integrity (Honesty): Involves the degree to which the person is likely to engage in pilferage, short-changing customers, falsifying expense accounts, lying to protect him- or herself, exaggerating one’s job qualifications and other acts of dishonesty.
  • Substance Abuse: Describes the possibility that this person might use illegal drugs or alcohol while at work, might show up for work either drunk or high or badly “hung over” and thus pose a safety risk because of impaired perception or judgment. Note: this scale can be omitted for Canadian clients.
  • Sexual Harassment: Involves the likelihood that this person will ask co-workers for sexual favors, make sexual remarks that upset colleagues, tell “dirty jokes” or otherwise behave inappropriately at work.
  • Computer Misuse: Described the possibility that this person might abuse the organization’s computers to send and/or receive personal e-mails, “surf the Web” transact personal business, or otherwise violate company computer-use policies.
  • Good Impression: A validity scale that measures the degree to which the person has responded truthfully to the test items or is responding in such a way as to make a good impression.

The PeopleClues® Tests Attitude Assessment is modular with four “core” scales and then three additional scales that can be added as needed. The core assessment is 80 true/false questions and if all the core scales are added, the assessment is 140 questions ranging from a time frame of 8 minutes to 20 minutes if all the scales are used.

PeopleClues® Tests Cognitive

There is little question among personnel psychologists that cognitive ability the ability to process and retain information quickly is a necessary skill that transcends most jobs. For most jobs there is a range of cognitive ability associated with on-the-job success; a higher level of cognitive ability is not necessarily associated with job success. What matters is the fit with the requirements of the job.

The PeopleClues® Cognitive Assessment measures problem solving and learning speed by assessing verbal, numerical and spatial reasoning and then combining these to create one overall cognitive ability score. This core cognitive ability is measured with a 30-item assessment that is computer timed for 7 minutes.

PeopleClues® Tests Personality

The PeopleClues® Tests Personality Assessment is built upon the well-accepted “Big 5” concept of core personality traits and also includes a “Teamwork” scale as well as a “Good Impression” scale. These core personality traits are measured with a 70-item assessment that takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

The specific PeopleClues® Tests measurements are:

  • Conscientious (Organization): Describes the degree to which the individual is persistent, motivated, and organized, ranging from being highly disciplined and dependable to being carefree.
  • Tough-Minded: Describes the degree to which the person is pleasant and agreeable, ranging from being warm, tolerant, and tactful, to being tough-minded, skeptical and direct.
  • Conventional (Rules): Describes the degree to which the individual is predictable, rules oriented and structured, to being open to new ideas, adventuresome and inconsistent.
  • Extroverted: Describes the style and focus of an individual’s emotional energy, ranging from being outgoing, dominant, ambitious, and sociable, to being introverted, shy, and quiet.
  • Stability: Involves the degree to which an individual is emotionally stable and resistant to stress, ranging from being well-adjusted, calm, self-confident, and poised, to being sensitive and anxious.
  • Teamwork: In addition, PeopleClues® includes a Teamwork scale that measures the applicant’s attitudes towards teamwork versus individualized work environments.
  • Good Impression: A validity scale that measures the degree to which the person has responded frankly to the test items or is responding in such a way as to make a good impression.

Similar to the Wonderlic Personnel Test or Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, the CLUES® tests can be used for a variety of disciplines and/or job-roles.

The following norms groups or occupational roles are available to be generated for PeopleClues® reports. More than one report can be generated simultaneously and development reports can be generated at a later date in the employee’s career to assist with their promotion, coaching and on-going development.

PeopleClues® Tests Titles

(Clerical) Positions that are supportive in nature to other employees; these positions often entail tracking of data or other details as well as interacting with other employees to gain access and to share information, reports, etc; examples of position titles are administrative assistant, receptionist, secretary, and data entry.

Administrative – Senior
Positions that are supportive in nature to other employees and mid to senior level management. These positions often entail tracking of data or other details as well as interacting with other employees to gain access and to share information, reports, etc. In many cases, this position may require the person to interact with senior level executives. Examples of position titles are Senior Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant, Law Clerks and Title Examiners.

Artists must be able to create functional and/or decorative objects or products, ranging from sketches of court trials to fashion illustrations to fine art objects and more. They must be able to apply principles of design and to use a variety of materials, equipment, and techniques, including computer technology, as required. They need ability to visualize and to be creative and original. Job types include illustrators, sketch artists, painters, sculptors, cartoonists, animators, and multi-media artists, etc.

Bank Teller
Positions that require the employee to deal with monetary items, follow strict procedures and deal directly with customers; position titles would also include loan officers, financial planners, etc; please note that the “Financial” report can also be helpful.

Handle cash registers, customer interaction, product or service returns, daily paperwork, and questions from customers. Responsible for accuracy of daily cash drawer according to cash, credit card, returns, exchanges, etc.

Child Care
Child care workers attend to young children in such settings as child care centers, schools, businesses, and private homes. They support children’s early learning and emotional and social development. They need to apply principles of child development and developmental stages and of early learning. They must also be interpersonally sensitive, both to children and their parents, and be able to use a variety of learning and disciplinary strategies.

Bill or account collectors locate and notify customers with delinquent accounts to solicit payment. They also receive and credit payments or, when a customer fails to respond, initiate repossession or disconnection of service. Collectors need to be socially perceptive and good record keepers. They must be skillful negotiators and persuasive communicators. Other titles may include credit collector, account resolution analyst, or patient account representative.

Positions where the employee works on construction projects; Position titles include estimators, foreman, plumber, electrician, day laborer, construction workers, etc; please note however that if the position requires the employee to manage other people, the “Management” report will be helpful.

Consultants provide analysis, evaluation, and advice to managers or executives to assist them in operating more effectively and efficiently. Among their tasks is collection of information on problems or procedures from direct observation or examination of various materials, analysis of data, preparation and delivery of reports and recommendations or other products as requested. They need good judgment and to be skillful observers and communicators. Titles include management, business, or program analyst.

Courtesy Driver
Transfers clients by driving and maintaining a vehicle such as a limousine, shuttle van or other personal service vehicles. Plans routes and requirements by studying schedule or special requests; determines occupant and luggage requirements; checks road conditions; estimates travel times as well as other preparation for each client situation.

Creative Writer
Positions that provide creative thought and written expression. Writing may be for articles, marketing pieces, journals, etc. In many cases, this position will provide for a basic topic, product, service or information and the individual is expected to find creative ways to present the information, product or service to the targeted reader.

Customer Service
Positions that entail basic support and direct interaction with customers either by phone or face to face; there may be some “up-selling” involved but these positions are not as much as sales related as focused on customer service; examples of position titles include CSR, sales support and account representative.

Data Entry
Positions that require the accurate entry of information into computer systems. Positions will usually also entail the review, reporting and correction of erroneous information.

Designers develop and design a wide array of things from manufactured products to interiors to fashion to displays or exhibits. They specialize in a particular area or type of product, but all must combine artistic skills with attention to market research, intended product use, and selection of suitable materials to create pleasing and functional products. Designers need to be innovative problem-solvers and able to communicate clearly with clients or customers and with technical workers who produce the products.

Positions involving an automobile, van or truck either for route or long-haul driving to deliver and/or pick up goods.

Reads, reviews and edits articles, marketing pieces, manuscripts, etc. for clarity, grammar and subject matter.

Engineering – Professional
Analyze technology, resource needs, and market demand, to plan and assess the feasibility of projects. Planning and research may include areas such as installation, testing, reviewing product or building design, specifications improvements or changes. Positions may include industry areas such as Technology, Architecture and Research and Development Initiatives.

A position that requires the ultimate personal responsibility for business development, business survival, hiring, managing, as well as the management of vendor and customer relationships. Unlike a Franchise situation, this position typically has little structure or policies in place. Typically this person is also involved or personally responsible for the initial idea for the product or service and the start of the business.

Examiner – Inspector
Examiners or inspectors are required in a wide variety of areas such as insurance claims, building construction, criminal or fire investigations, motor vehicle or other transportation inspectors, health and safety compliance officers, and many more. Whatever they are examining or inspecting, they need good judgment and to be careful and detailed observers, able to solve complex problems, and make decisions efficiently. They must also be able to communicate clearly both orally and in writing.

Executive Management
Management positions that are typically considered mid management and higher within an organization. These positions require the individual to not only manage people, but often they must manage a corporate strategy, budgets and other corporate initiatives. This position usually requires the person to manage “other managers or supervisors” within the organization. Titles may include Executive, Senior V.P., CFO, CIO, CEO, etc.

(Accounting) Positions that entail dealing with cash and financial records; examples of position titles include bookkeeping, financial reporting, data analysis, accountant and controller.

Food Service
Positions that require the employee to deal directly with food items and typically with the customer themselves; position titles can include fast food service, banquet services, waiter, etc.

Graphic Artist
Design or create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. May use a variety of mediums to achieve artistic or decorative effects. Titles may include Graphic Design.

Health Caregiver
Positions that require the individual to work directly with patients; position titles include, nurse, home care technician, etc.

Positions where the employee interacts directly with guests; positions titles include banquet food service, front-desk, concierge, maid, etc.

Human Resources
Positions that involve working with employee/personnel issues, employment policies and procedures and planning.

Inbound Call Center
Positions where the employee deals with outbound and/or inbound calls to support customers, up-sell goods or services or provide information; please note that the “Telemarketing” report is better suited for call center positions that require the employee to sell products or services in a direct manner.

Inbound Call Center – Technical Support
Supporting and assisting users of technology within a variety of areas such as but not limited to Wireless Routers, Hardware, Software as well as escalation to others when necessary to resolve the client issue. Call times can average 20 minutes or more depending on the complexity of the technology being supported.

Journeyman – Tradesman
These positions include electricians, plumbers, pipe fitters, and other similar trade skills. In the specific skill areas an individual should be able to assemble, install, test, and maintain relevant systems using all the tools and equipment of the trade and without frequent oversight or supervision. They should also be able to diagnose and repair malfunctioning systems and be sure that all work meets job specifications and code standards.

Light Industrial
Positions within production and manufacturing environments that typically require the individual to follow a process and safety procedures.

Maintenance Technician
Positions that involve the maintenance, repair and installation of internal machinery and equipment; examples of positions titles include service technician.

Managers direct the activities of a business or of a unit of a large enterprise. They plan and oversee activities; manage staff schedules and assignments; establish financial and productivity standards and review performance according to those standards; coordinate with other business units or outside groups to achieve objectives. Managers must be able to apply standard management principles, be decisive and socially perceptive, and have good judgment and persuasive communication skills.

Marketing & Public Relations
Marketing and public relations specialists or analysts develop effective communications for purposes such as building goodwill for the business or organization, promoting its products or services, providing information, etc. primarily to the general public or targeted segments but often internally as well. They may also track data on effectiveness of their efforts or on emerging trends. Strong communications skills, both written and oral, and good interpersonal skills are essential.

Mechanics maintain, adjust, diagnose, repair, overhaul all kinds of engines, machines, and other equipment. They normally work on a single type of equipment such as autos, industrial machinery, small engines, airplane engines, etc. They must follow standard procedures, maintain safety requirements, and be able to operate the apparatus of their trade from basic tools to advanced technological equipment. They also need to communicate clearly with their customers about proper use and repairs.

Multi-Location Manager
(Other position titles include Multi-Unit Manager) – This position typically has total supervisory responsibility for all stores and/or locations in his/her assigned division/territory, including, but not limited to sales profits, gross margin, expense control, and retention of customers as well as employees. Should communicate and manage individual location supervisors to achieve sales, payroll and profit goals in conformance with company strategy and goals.

Outbound Call Center
Positions where the employee deals with outbound calls to support customers, provide information and may in some cases gently attempt to up-sell additional goods or services. These positions are not telemarketing in nature where a strong close is necessary. These positions are primarily for providing assistance and/or information to the caller.

Persuasive Sales
Positions that require prospecting, closing, and account management.

Project Manager
In charge of the overall management, update and completion of a project. Position usually requires the creation and detailed updating of project reports as we as written and verbal communication to the project team.

Such positions include tasks through the entire purchasing cycle: from identification of quality products or services and vendors, to negotiation of supply contracts, to monitoring of delivery, to checking for defects, and to ensuring contract compliance. Incumbents need to be skillful negotiators, and good business judgment in order to assess the materials, products, or services being purchased and schedule their use efficiently.

Recruiters are responsible for identifying candidates for current and future job openings. Their duties may also include processing all employment actions and maintaining employee records. They seek out, interview, and screen candidates. Recruiters need to utilize contemporary recruiting strategies and meet anti-discrimination requirements. A clear understanding of the requirements of the positions they are seeking to fill plus good communication skills are essential.

Retail Clerk
Positions where the employee is expected to follow store policies, handle a cash register, handle credit card transactions as well as answer basic questions for customers in a friendly and proactive manner.

Retail Sales
Positions where customers come to purchase, browse, or research goods or services; the employee is typically expected to assist in education, and apply moderate closing efforts.

Security workers occupy an array of positions both public and private sectors such as various types of police officers, private security guards, corrections guards, animal control officers, bridge and lock tenders, etc. They must be observant, willing to take direction and follow policies and procedures, and able to communicate effectively with the public as well as their supervisors and co-workers. Police and other public officers must be able to enforce the law; all security workers must be able to respond to emergencies, protect people and property, and give aid as needed.

(Supervisory) Positions that involve the direct supervision and direction of others; examples of position titles include supervisor, group lead, director, manager, team lead.

Perform duties that are instructional in nature or deliver direct services to students. Positions in this category do not always involve the actual development of curriculum. These positions are to provide consistent delivery of a curriculum to the students and then measure comprehension.

Technical Writer
Technical writers draft and edit materials such as equipment manuals or operating and maintenance instructions. The writer must be able to employ various styles in order to tailor the manual to the skill level of the expected reader. In addition to good writing ability, the writer must also be able to communicate both with engineers or other technicians and with sales or customer representatives and describe the product or equipment clearly.

Technology Consultant
Roles that require a high level of technology expertise and the ability to consult with prospects and customers to find solutions to technology related issues. These roles typically have very defined procedures in terms of what solutions have been built to meet the needs of the client, but this role requires the individual to make certain that the solution is tailored to meet the customer’s specific needs.

Positions that require the individual to make outbound calls for the purpose of selling, setting appointments, or getting information.

Positions that require the handling and organizing of goods.

Counselors work with individuals, either singly or in groups, to identify and strive to resolve problems in their clients’ lives. Counselors specialize in defined areas such as educational, rehabilitation, substance abuse, mental health, etc. and must be able to follow best practices and apply principles of their specialty area. They must be socially perceptive and skilled at listening and empathizing, problem-solving, and communicating with their clients.

Direct Healthcare Support Professional
This position provides direct support including but not limited to emotional support, physical support and monitoring and development of the skills necessary to care for and/or to lead a developmentally disabled individual to more independence.

Direct Healthcare Supervisor
Responsible for the overall operation of assigned service site(s) including staff, budget, compliance with State/Federal regulations or standards of service, and general quality of service to person(s) served in these programs.

Emergency Medical Technician
Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) or paramedics respond to injured or ill individuals in emergency situations. Sound judgment, good problem-solving skills, and ability to make decisions quickly under pressure are essential as they must assess the patient’s medical status and administer emergency care. EMTs need to follow the best practices of emergency medical care and have the interpersonal sensitivity and communication skills necessary to care for and comfort the patient.

Healthcare Professional
Registered nurses (RNs) provide direct patient care and oversee and coordinate care provided by lower level staff in both in- and out-patient settings. Most nurses specialize in specific areas and all need to follow standard procedures and best practices of care for various illnesses and injuries in their specialty. Nurses must have sound judgment and decision-making skills plus excellent interpersonal perception and communication skills and be willing to alter their routines to respond to emergencies.

Lab Technician
Positions that require cleaning, processing, sterilizing supplies and equipment within a medical environment. Involves following strict procedures for decontamination of equipment.

Medical Billing
Within a medical environment, verify accuracy of billing data, revise errors, prepare itemized statements, bills, or invoices. In some positions, this may include contacting and communicating directly with customers and/or insurance companies regarding billing and resolve discrepancies in billing records.

Medical Technician
Medical technicians include those who work under the supervision of physicians to provide specialty care, such as radiology, respiratory, dietetic, laboratory, surgical, veterinary technicians, etc. They must follow doctors’ orders and specific procedures accurately, observe patients carefully, and report any problems promptly. Technicians who have direct contact with patients need to be socially perceptive and caring, and all need good written and oral communication skills.

Nurse Assistant
Provide basic patient care under direction of nursing staff. Perform duties, such as feed, bathe, dress, groom, or move patients, or change linens.

Pharmacy Aide
Record drugs delivered to the pharmacy, store incoming merchandise, and inform the supervisor of stock needs. May operate cash register and accept prescriptions for filling.

Program Manager
This position oversees delivery of consumer support services for assigned location. Supervises personnel to achieve service, clinical, and financial objectives within the general resource and reimbursement models. Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements through quality assurance activities. Multiple resource and/or reimbursement models may be involved in achieving objectives within broad guidelines.

Back of House
Positions in the kitchen of a restaurant where a great deal of planning is necessary to prepare and follow the day’s menu. Prepare and organize ingredients, sauces and other food items that will be necessary to quickly fill orders as they are received. This report is not specifically designed for a Chef position but more for all of the support team in the kitchen that works to prepare the necessary items for the meal.

Positions where the employee is filling drink orders for bar customers and/or wait staff, handling take out orders, handling a cash register, keeping the bar area clean, planning and organizing bar supplies and interacting with customers in a friendly manner.

Chef – Head Cook
Positions in the kitchen of a restaurant where a great deal of planning and management is necessary for the preparation of a menu of food items. Direct others and/or personally prepare and organize ingredients, sauces and other food items that will be necessary to quickly fill orders as they are received. Manage kitchen staff to keep the kitchen clean, organized and stocked with appropriate food and ingredients.

General Support
Positions within a restaurant environment which include busboy, food runners as well as some general kitchen support for cleaning and organization.

To greet and manage incoming customers. This position normally entails the management of the reservation book as well as the wait list. Requires coordination of efficient placement of customers in sections of the restaurant.

Restaurant Manager
Responsible for directly managing or overseeing the management of all restaurant staff, vendor orders and deliveries, financial accounting operations for the restaurant and the overall customer experience.

Positions where the employee is directly interacting with a restaurant customer in order to take their food and beverage orders, fulfill those orders, interact with the kitchen to manage the flow of orders, interact with the Bartender for beverage orders, prepare the bill, handle payment, and control the customer experience.

Salon Field Sales
Greet customers and manage appointment book for salon services. This position usually includes the presentation, demonstration and up-selling of products and services. Maintaining the presentation and availability of products in the store.

Salon Front Desk – Retail
Greet customers and manage appointment book for salon services. This position usually includes the presentation, demonstration and up-selling of products and services. Maintaining the presentation and availability of products in the store.

Salon Manager
Positions that involve the direct day to day management and direction of salon employees.

Salon Spa Technician
Provide beauty services such as facials, hand treatment, waxing as well as nail care. This may also include the recommendation of products. Titles for this category would include aestheticians and nail techs.

Provide beauty services, such as shampooing, cutting, coloring and styling hair. This may also include consulting with the customer about how to care for a particular hair type including the recommendation of certain products.

Assistant Property Manager
Financial and clerical duties including assisting the Property Manager in overseeing the day-to-day operations of a property. The Assistant Property Manager has primary responsibility for the collection and posting of all income due to the property.

Cleaning, custodial, light maintenance and other support services.

Property Leasing Consultant
The Leasing Consultant interacts directly with prospective and current residents to achieve maximum occupancy, acts as the Company’s representative by conveying the benefits of the community, is responsible for the leasing process from introduction to the actual occupancy of the resident, and maintains communication throughout the tenancy of the resident.

Property Maintenance Assistant
The Maintenance Assistant is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the property by cleaning and maintaining the buildings and grounds.

Property Maintenance Supervisor
The Maintenance Supervisor will perform general and/or specialized maintenance and repairs, supervise a team of maintenance technicians and assistants, manage a budget for most cost effective practices, and provide supervision, training and development for assigned associates.

Property Manager
The Property Manager has full responsibility for managing the day-to-day activities at an assigned property which includes: direction and supervision of all staff to achieve the financial and occupancy goals of the complex while maintaining the property in good physical condition and appearance. The Manager is also responsible for implementing policies and procedures, supervising maintenance of building and grounds, performing administrative functions and monitoring the performance of vendors and contractors.

Finance Manager
The Finance Manager is responsible for all financial matters within the dealership. This can include budget approval, the supervision of financial projects and risk management.

General Manager
The General Manager is responsible for managing the daily operations of the dealership. This includes being responsible for developing the company’s strategy and managing the company’s human resources.

Marketing Manager
The Marketing Manager is responsible for developing the marketing strategy, market research and analysis, establishing a good relationship with the media and in general helping the company to achieve sales goals.

Sales Manager
The Sales Manager is responsible for developing the sales plan, developing the sales staff and keeping informed about the local auto market.

Showroom Manager
The Showroom Manager is responsible for the daily maintenance of the showroom and customer reception and satisfaction

Test Development

Training & Coaching New Employees (On-Boarding)
There are many core workplace behavioral traits that transcend most jobs within the organization. This report is designed to be used with new employees for the purpose of helping both the employee and their direct supervisor/manager plan for the employee’s development and help to get them started in their new role with the organization. The report covers areas such as “Learning New Things”, “Working On A Team” and “Taking Direction From Others”.

Training & Coaching Existing Employees
This report is broken down into basic work behaviors that affect most jobs. The report is designed to be used with existing employees for the purpose of helping both the employee and their direct supervisor/manager plan for the employee’s development. Tips will be given for some areas that can be used to improve performance, training and coaching of the employee over time. The report covers areas such as “Dealing With Change”, “Handling Stress” and “Consistently Following Procedures”.

Leadership – Managerial
This report is designed to assist in exploring areas where employees can be developed as a leader in a managerial role. The report is broken down into sections covering behavioral areas such as “Solving Problems” and “Making Decisions”. The reports can also be used by an individual who wants to explore their own core personality traits and how they affect their leadership style. The report provides tips as to how the individual can develop themselves in a leadership role.

Leadership – Executive
This report is designed to assist in exploring areas where employees can be developed as a leader in an executive role. This report is broken down into sections covering areas that are typically found within an executive level position. Most executive level positions are similar to an “entrepreneurial” situation in that the individual is responsible for a business unit or major division of a company with its own requirements for profitability, budgeting, strategic planning, etc. The report is broken down into sections such as “Business Planning and Vision” and “Selling and Marketing”.

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