Job Smarts 3rd Edition

The Job Smarts 3rd Edition 12 Steps To Job Success workbook teaches students how to find, get, and keep a job, but with this unique focus: It is written for adults and students with low reading levels and other special needs.

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The Job Smarts 3rd Edition 12 Steps To Job Success workbook teaches students how to find, get, and keep a job, but with this unique focus: It is written for adults and students with low reading levels and other special needs.

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Job Smarts 3rd Edition – 12 Steps to Job Success teaches students how to find, get, and keep a job, but with this unique focus: It is written for adults and students with low reading levels and other special needs.

All essential job search and job retention topics are covered, and the material is presented in a simplified and visual way, with text written at a fifth-grade reading level. The result? The content is accessible for youth and adults with special needs, especially people with lower-level reading skills.

The Job Smarts 3rd Edition is a component of the Special Needs Job Search Training Module but is also available separately.

For instructional settings that include more advanced students, optional worksheets are included for both basic and advanced students.

A new chapter makes the connection between doing a job and playing a game, a concept that works well for young people. Scenarios also have been added at the beginning of each of the 13 steps to set the tone for worksheets and lessons.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Find Your Principles, Interests, and Skills
Step 2: Set Your Goals
Step 3: Fix Your Attitude
Step 4: Get Past Barriers
Step 5: Get Ready for the Job Hunt
Step 6: Fill Out Applications
Step 7: Find the Hidden Jobs
Step 8: Tell Your Skills
Step 9: Prepare for Interviews
Step 10: Practice Interviewing
Step 11: Find Your Fit on a Team
Step 12: Adjust to the Workplace
Step 13: Play the Job Game to Win

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SKU: 540 Category:

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