Home Health Aide Solution
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Healthcare Aide 7.0
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Ensure that your candidates have the skills you need with the Home Health Aide Solution. It assesses skills for entry-level positions in an in-home or group home environment. Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants for skills like:
- Following Instructions
- Professionalism
- Assertiveness
- Patient Focus
This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.
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The Home Health Aide solution is for entry-level positions in an in-home or group home environment. Sample tasks for this job include, but are not limited to: monitoring vital signs and medication intake, administering bedside and personal care such as ambulation and personal hygiene, and preparing and maintaining records of client progress and services performed. Potential job titles that use this solution are: Personal Care Aide, Home Health Aide, Residential Assistant, and Certified Nursing Assistant.
One Sitting
Job Levels: Entry Level
Localizations Available: US English, UK English
Max Number of Questions: 221
Approximate Completion Time: 41 minutes
Number of Sittings: One
Designed for Unproctored Environment: Yes
Question Format: Simulation, Multiple Choice, Multiple Choice – Adaptive
Two Sittings
Job Levels: Entry Level
Localizations Available: US English, UK English
Max Number of Questions: Screening: 129 items Selection: 200 items
Average Testing Time: Screening: 28 minutes Selection: 36 minutes
Number of Sittings: Two
Designed for Unproctored Environment: Screening: Yes Selection: No
Question Format: Simulation, Multiple Choice, Multiple Choice – Adaptive
Home Health Aide Solution One Sitting
Professional Potential: Measures the tendency to have potential for professional success across industry type and functional area. This is characterized by scores that are derived from responses to questions regarding academic and social background, and aspirations concerning work.
Emotional Resilience: This is a measure of optimism, empathy, and emotional control. It shows a tendency to believe good things are possible, be even-tempered, and understand what others are experiencing. This trait is characterized by: a desire to listen, understand, and accept others’ problems or opinions; an ability to communicate to others the understanding of their experiences; an ability to be respectful and nonjudgmental; a capacity to identify with others on an emotional level; the ability to stay calm and collected when confronted with adversity, frustration, or difficult situations; the ability to avoid being defensive; the absence of extreme mood swings; generally high spirits; and an attitude of enthusiasm, joy, and excitement.
Patient Focus: Measures the tendency to show persistent enthusiasm when interacting with patients. This trait is characterized by: apologizing sincerely for inconveniences, being patient, tolerating rude patients calmly, and searching for information or products for patients.
Motivation: This component measures the tendency to set and accomplish challenging goals, while persisting in the face of significant obstacles. This trait is characterized by: working hard; taking satisfaction and pride in producing high quality work; and being competitive.
Assertiveness: This component measures the tendency of a person’s effectiveness in directing and influencing others. This trait is characterized by: persuading and negotiating effectively with others; influencing others’ decision-making; and coordinating others’ efforts to accomplish work.
Responsibility: This component measures the tendency of a person’s responsibility for his/her own actions and a commitment to performing assigned tasks. This trait is characterized by: reliability; proactive involvement in work; and a dedication to complete even the most mundane tasks.
Home Health Aide Solution Two Sitting
Professional Potential: Measures the tendency to have potential for professional success across industry type and functional area. This is characterized by scores that are derived from responses to questions regarding academic and social background, and aspirations concerning work.
Emotional Resilience: This is a measure of optimism, empathy, and emotional control. It shows a tendency to believe good things are possible, be even-tempered, and understand what others are experiencing. This trait is characterized by: a desire to listen, understand, and accept others’ problems or opinions; an ability to communicate to others the understanding of their experiences; an ability to be respectful and nonjudgmental; a capacity to identify with others on an emotional level; the ability to stay calm and collected when confronted with adversity, frustration, or difficult situations; the ability to avoid being defensive; the absence of extreme mood swings; generally high spirits; and an attitude of enthusiasm, joy, and excitement.
Conscientiousness: This measures the tendency to be aware of and follow company policies and procedures, including: working in an organized manner, returning from meals and breaks on time, and working when coworkers are not working.
Healthcare Learning Ability: This is a measure of the tendency to efficiently and effectively use verbal and analytical reasoning in a healthcare work environment. This competency is characterized by the ability to learn work-related tasks, information, processes, and policies.
Motivation: This component measures the tendency to set and accomplish challenging goals, while persisting in the face of significant obstacles. This trait is characterized by: working hard; taking satisfaction and pride in producing high quality work; and being competitive.
Assertiveness: This component measures the tendency of a person’s effectiveness in directing and influencing others. This trait is characterized by: persuading and negotiating effectively with others; influencing others’ decision-making; and coordinating others’ efforts to accomplish work.
Responsibility: This component measures the tendency of a person’s responsibility for his/her own actions and a commitment to performing assigned tasks. This trait is characterized by: reliability; proactive involvement in work; and a dedication to complete even the most mundane tasks.
Patient Focus: Measures the tendency to show persistent enthusiasm when interacting with patients. This trait is characterized by: apologizing sincerely for inconveniences, being patient, tolerating rude patients calmly, and searching for information or products for patients.
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