Verify Ability Tests

Use the Verify Ability Tests to assess a wide range of jobs and skills – from graduate and managerial level to administrator roles.

About this Test

Use the Verify Ability Tests to assess a wide range of jobs and skills – from graduate and managerial level to administrator roles.  Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants such as:

  • Entry-Level
  • Professional Individual Contributor
  • Manager
  • Front Line Manager
  • Mid-Professional

This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

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A superior approach to online unsupervised testing, Verify is the only way to test job applicants online with confidence. Verify tests are suitable for a range of jobs, from graduate and managerial level to administrator roles.

Job levels – Verify tests are suitable for a range of jobs, from graduate and managerial level to administrator roles including:

  • Entry-Level
  • Professional Individual Contributor
  • Manager
  • Front Line Manager
  • Mid-Professional
  • General Population
  • Supervisor
  • Graduate

How the Verify Ability Tests Work

The Verify tests are delivered through a packaged, two-stage process. This includes the Verify Ability Test, a powerful online ability test, which can then be followed by a short, optional Verification Test. The process is designed to verify the performance of short-listed applicants who have completed the first test in online, unsupervised conditions.

Stage 1 – Verify Ability Tests

  • Online, unsupervised
  • As rigorous as traditional ability tests but faster and online
  • Suitable for multiple job levels
  • Ability test report output

Stage 2 – Verification Test

  • Optional; online, supervised
  • Very short, no charge for administration
  • Verifies candidate performance on the unsupervised ability test
  • Verification report output – no scores, simple ‘Verified’ / ‘Not Verified’

The Verify Ability Tests Range

Calculation – Calculation is an assessment used for job candidates applying to jobs at lower levels that require Calculation ability. The Calculation test measures a candidate’s ability to add, subtract, divide and manipulate numbers quickly and accurately, which is critical to many workplace tasks such as estimation, auditing and checking. This type of test is relevant for use in assessment where the following tasks are critical aspects of the job: Calculating and checking figures & using calculators and computers for daily calculations, balancing currency, coin and cheques in cash drawers, issuing refunds, receipts and change or quoting prices, credit terms and other bid specifications. Sample tasks for jobs that may require this ability include, but are not limited to, verifying data accuracy and locating data entry errors. Potential job titles that use this solution are Clerical, Payroll and Timekeeping, Cashiers, Financial Controllers and Sales.

Checking – The Checking test is part of the Verify suite of cognitive ability tests. Checking is used for job candidates applying to jobs at lower levels that require checking ability. In this test, candidates work with sequences of numbers, letters and combinations of numbers and letters. Sample tasks for jobs that may require this ability include, but are not limited to, verifying data accuracy and locating data entry errors. The Checking Test measures a candidate’s ability to compare information quickly and accurately – critical to ensuring quality of work. This type of test is relevant for use in assessment where the following are critical tasks within the role: Monitoring visual displays, verifying data accuracy and locating data entry errors or reviewing files, records and other information. Potential job titles that use this solution are: Administrative Support, Data Entry, Sales Support and Purchasing

Deductive Reasoning – Deductive Reasoning is an assessment used for job candidates applying to entry- and midlevel positions that require deductive reasoning ability. It requires a candidate to use their problem solving and reasoning skills, by asking them to evaluate arguments, analyze scenarios, and draw logical conclusions. The Deductive Reasoning assessment is designed to measure the ability to draw logical conclusions and based on information provided, identify strengths and weaknesses of arguments, and complete scenarios using incomplete information. It provides an indication of how an individual will perform when asked to develop solutions when presented with information and draw sound conclusions from data. This form of reasoning is commonly required to support work and decision-making in many different types of jobs at many levels.

G+ – The G+ test is part of the Verify suite of cognitive ability tests. The test is designed to measure three types of ability: Numerical, Deductive, and Inductive. There are 30 questions in the test, with 10 questions for each of the three abilities measured. Sample tasks for jobs that may require these abilities include, but are not limited to: evaluating arguments, analyzing scenarios, working with data, doing mathematical computations, interpreting graphs and tables, and drawing logical conclusions. The G+ test, due to its adaptive nature, is appropriate for all job levels and roles.

Inductive Reasoning – Inductive Reasoning is an assessment used for job candidates applying to jobs at all levels that require logical reasoning ability. Sample tasks for jobs that may require inductive reasoning include, but are not limited to dealing with new concepts and approaches, answering questions of ‘why’ and ‘how’ and resolving complex and ambiguous problems. The Inductive Reasoning Test measures a candidate’s ability to draw inferences from, and understand relationships between various concepts. This task involves working out the pattern(s) in a set of images, and identifying the correct next image from the given options. Potential roles that use this ability are Corporate Strategy, Creative roles, Product/Service Development, Research and Development.

Mechanical Comprehension Next Generation – The Mechanical Comprehension test is designed to measure a candidate’s understanding of basic mechanical principles and their application to devices such as pulleys, gears and levers. Typically used for production, manufacturing or engineering-related recruitment or development, the test is often deployed to assess school leaver suitability for modern apprenticeship schemes, the practical application abilities of science and technology graduates or those with work experience looking to move to a technical role.

Numerical Reasoning – Numerical Reasoning is an assessment used for job candidates applying to jobs at all levels that require numerical reasoning ability. Sample tasks for jobs that may require numerical reasoning include but are not limited to analysis and interpretation of numerical data e.g. budgets & costs, trends and margins. Numerical Reasoning Test measures a candidate’s ability to make correct decisions or inferences from numerical or statistical data. The test measures the ability to work with numerical data in a realistic workplace context. This task involves analyzing some data in the form of a graph or chart, performing some kind of calculation and answering a short question. Potential roles that use this ability are Finance, IT, Professional Services, Production and Sales

Reading Comprehension – The Verify Reading Comprehension test measures a candidate’s ability to read and understand written materials and is useful for assessment at a range of job levels. This ability is very important wherever candidates will be expected to read, understand and follow instructions, or use written materials in the practical completion of their job. The task involves reading a passage of text, and answering a short written question. An effort has been made to ensure the text passages and resulting questions are relevant to as wide a range of industries and roles as possible. The content of the test makes no assumptions about prior knowledge, with applicants directed to use only the information in the passage to derive their answer.

Spatial Ability – Spatial Ability is an assessment used for job candidates applying to all job levels that require spatial ability. The Spatial Ability assessment is completely non-verbal and features only shapes and figures. Sample tasks for jobs that may require spatial ability include, but are not limited to planning or visualizing a sequence of operations used to test mechanical equipment, adjusting and repairing equipment, and monitoring the loading and discharging of people or cargo. This assessment measures the ability to perceive and transform visual shapes, forms, or images and/or the ability to maintain spatial orientation with regard to objects that may change or move through space. It provides an indication of how an individual will perform when asked to perform tasks that require the anticipation of an object’s display from different angles or positions and that require the identification of objects even when they are somewhat obscured by design, people and/or a piece of machinery. Because this test uses computer adaptive technology, it is suitable for unsupervised assessment. Potential job titles that use this solution are Mechanics, Pilots, or Engineers.

Verbal Ability – Verbal Ability test measures the ability to read written passages and comprehend the text, interpret tone and author intent, identify main ideas, and predict author responses. Sample tasks for jobs that may require verbal ability include, but are not limited to: working with reports, correspondence, instructions, and research information. The Verbal Ability test, due to its adaptive nature, is appropriate for all job levels and roles.

Verbal Reasoning – Verbal Reasoning is an assessment used for job candidates applying to jobs at all levels that require verbal reasoning ability. Sample tasks for jobs that may require verbal reasoning include, but are not limited to, evaluating written statements, and drawing conclusions from written evidence. The Verbal Reasoning Test measures a candidate’s ability to evaluate written statements. Using content that makes use of work place experiences, the candidate is required to draw conclusions from the written evidence. This task involves reading a passage of text, and using that information to decide whether a given statement is True, False, or if you Cannot Say from the information given. These tests are relevant for use in assessment when the following tasks are critical aspects or the role: analyzing and interpreting written and oral information, preparing written documents or preparing and delivering presentations. Potential roles that use this ability are Administration, Distribution, HR, Legal, Marketing, Professional Services and Transportation.

Title Avg. Time Allowed Time # Questions Sittings Unproctored Format
Calculation 10 10 20 One plus Verification test Yes Multiple Choice
Checking 5 5 50


Yes Multiple Choice
Deductive 20 18 One plus Verification test Yes Multiple Choice/Adaptive
G+ 32-36 36 30 Yes Multiple Choice/Adaptive
Inductive Reasoning 2014 25 24 18 Yes Multiple Choice
Mechanical Next Gen. 10 10 15 One plus Verification test Yes Multiple Choice
Numerical Reasoning 17-25 25 18 One plus Verification test Yes Multiple Choice
Reading Comprehension 10 10 18 One plus Verification test Yes Multiple Choice – Randomized
Spatial Ability 15 15 22 One plus Verification test Yes Multiple Choice
Verbal Ability 15 15 22 One plus Verification test Yes Multiple Choice
Verbal Reasoning 17-19 19 30 One plus Verification test Yes Multiple Choice

Benefits of Testing With Verify Ability Tests

Testing job applicants online can deliver value by identifying high-calibre talent quickly, efficiently and accurately.

In addition the Verify Ability Tests :

  • Defends the integrity of online testing by partnering with independent security and data forensic experts.
  • Utilizes randomized test technology to create the most powerful online ability tests available today.
  • Protects against the risks of cheating and security breaches.
  • Provides a global solution in 25 languages.
  • Pioneers breakthrough psychometrics to scientifically verify the integrity of unsupervised online test results.

Time and Cost Savings

  • Using Verify early in the hiring process means poor performers can be screened out earlier, reducing the length and cost of hire and allowing resources to be focused on the best candidates.
  • Verify tests are faster than traditional tests, and therefore results can be delivered quicker.
  • Costs are saved through better quality hiring decisions, which reduce staff turnover and improve performance.

Make Better Decisions With The Verify Ability Tests 

  • By removing the risks of cheating and security breaches, hiring decisions are based on reliable data.
  • With superior test properties, performance potential can be predicted more accurately.

Practical Ease

  • Can integrate into third party talent management application suites for high-volume recruitment programs.
  • Requires minimal administrative resource.
  • No need for paper-based materials.

Candidate Care

  • Applicants can complete their testing when convenient for them – tests are accessible 24 hours a day, every day.
  • Quick and modern process that reinforces a positive employer brand.

What Is Verify?

Developed with direct input from experienced test users around the world, Verify offers a superior approach to online ability testing. Verify is a complete solution that includes a unique combination of tests, security measures and a scientific verification process to allow employers to test job applicants online securely and effectively, quickly and easily.

Better Practice For Online Testing

Better Practice provides a pragmatic and straightforward set of steps to enable test users to reap the benefits of online ability testing. We have developed Better Practice to help HR practitioners understand and overcome the risks around online assessment.

The Six Core Components Of Verify


We have developed cutting-edge technology to support the science behind Verify. Features include highly sophisticated randomized test generation and timed tests delivered using Flash player applets. This technology is relied on by organizations worldwide to deliver tens of thousands of assessments daily.

Verify Item Bank

The Verify Item Bank generates a unique online Verify ability test for every applicant. This approach improves the security of content by defending against piracy and preventing test content being shared, reducing the risk of cheating by applicants.

Verification Process

Following the Verify ability test, a short, optional verification test is provided. Built as part of the package and delivered at no extra cost, the verification test quickly confirms the integrity of the results gained from the unsupervised test. This verification process is based on breakthrough innovations in psychometrics, verifying candidate performance quickly, simply and scientifically. A verification report provides a simple ‘Verified’ or ‘Not Verified’ result. If a ‘Not Verified’ result arises, guidance on possible reasons for the inconsistency and suggestions for next steps are provided.

Data Security and Forensic Services

We protect the security and integrity of Verify tests through our partnership with Caveon Test Security, the industry leader in using innovative data forensic solutions to protect online test programs from test fraud. This gives you peace of mind that your data and testing processes are secure and fair.

Flexible Testing Options

Verify tests are as powerful as traditional offline tests. They can be used at any stage of the hiring process or employment cycle, and they are applicable for use throughout the organization, from operational roles to senior management.

Scientific Rigor

Verify tests have been purpose built for the Internet and have been designed to the most rigorous standards. They are among the most powerful psychometric tests ever created – as rigorous as traditional offline tests and supported by real world validation evidence.

Unique Features of Verify

Verification process – Quick, scientific confirmation of the integrity of unsupervised online test results.

Suitable for a range of job levels – Suitable for use throughout the organization, from operational through to senior management roles.

Multiple languages – Available in different languages, enabling consistency across global organizations.

Purpose-built and proven – Purpose-built for online delivery, with proven validity and job relevance.

Psychometric rigor – Verify ability tests are among the most powerful psychometric tests ever created – as rigorous as traditional offline tests.

Secure and protected content – The combination of the Verify Item Bank, system security and partnership with independent security and forensic services experts Caveon, mean that Verify test content is secure and protected.

Randomized test generation – The Verify Item Bank creates unique online tests for every candidate, improving security and reducing the risk of cheating.

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