Contact Tracer Test

Use the Contact Tracer Test to screen medical services applicants for disease tracking skills, communication, reliability, thoroughness.

About this Test

Use the Contact Tracer Test to screen applicants for disease tracking skills, communication, reliability, thoroughness.  Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants for skills like:

  • Work Ethic
  • Trustworthiness
  • Empathy
  • Record Keeping

This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

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Identify conscientious, trustworthy and empathetic candidates with the Contact Tracer pre-employment test.

Purpose: The Contact Tracer test screens for functional on-the-job behaviors for employees who are responsible for communicating with, providing information to and recording details of people who may have been exposed to infectious disease.

When to use it: The Contact Tracer Test should be used to hire temporary or permanent, full time or part time workers who are thorough, reliable, empathetic, trustworthy, hard-working, and capable of working independently and effectively with a wide variety of people.

About the Test: The Contact Tracer Test has two parts, and takes approximately one hour to complete. The test battery includes:

  • An untimed 14 trait personality inventory
  • 44 item untimed test of mental ability (equally divided among verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning questions)

Target group: We recommend using this test for open positions in health, government and education sectors.

What the Report Gives You: A graphical display of trait scores, a list of strengths and developmental concerns, and suggested interview questions.

What the Report Gives You: A graphical display of trait scores, a list of candidate’s narrative responses to the short answer section, a list of strengths and developmental concerns, and suggested interview questions.

Testing Process: Online personality testing can be done from any device with a reliable internet connection. The use of mobile phones is discouraged. Test results are provided immediately.

Options: Contact us to learn how we can customize the test content for your hiring process or the way information is presented in the report to meet your specifications. We can also help you validate an assessment for your workforce or establish company-specific scoring.

The Contact Tracer Test Evaluates:

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SKU: 972 Categories: ,

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