Transition To College Report

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About this Test

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Use the Transition To College Report to help college bound young people understand the personal, emotional, and social challenges they will face when starting their freshman year.    This assessment helps to investigate:

  • What type of college is right for you? Too far away from parents or not far enough?
  • A college major and field of study. The TTC Report has suggestions for what type major would be suitable.
  • Your campus living situation…dorm or apartment? What is right for your personality?
  • Roommate compatibility – finding a good roommate match or living alone. Tips for adapting to a roommate.
  • Tips for choosing the best of similar classes and finding a class format/teaching style for you.
  • Taking care of yourself and managing stress.

This test provides the answers you need to make informed decisions.

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Purpose: The The Transition To College Report is designed to help college bound young people understand the personal, emotional, and social challenges they will face when starting their freshman year. The authors have compiled record-breaking research results to demonstrate solid, proven relationships between the traits measured in this test with important outcomes for students in their freshman year. The TTC report is written in a way that provides useful, interesting, and informative suggestions for how to handle challenges at college.

Parents will be interested in this report because it taps into factors that are most predictive of dropout and academic performance. Some of the pitfalls of a poor adjustment include academic probation, loss of scholarship, paying for extra courses to bring up a low GPA, leaving school early, and wasting time and money in useless courses because of an inability to choose an appropriate major – all of which are expensive outcomes for parents who are usually footing at least part of the college expense for their offspring. Using insights from the TTC, it may be possible to head off some of these potential pitfalls.

The Report: The Transition To College Report provides customized answers to questions like:

  • What type of college is right for you? Too far away from parents or not far enough?
  • A college major and field of study. The TTC Report has suggestions for what type major would be suitable.
  • Your campus living situation…dorm or apartment? What is right for your personality?
  • Roommate compatibility – finding a good roommate match or living alone. Tips for adapting to a roommate.
  • Tips for choosing the best of similar classes and finding a class format/teaching style for you.
  • Taking care of yourself and managing stress.
  • Campus organizations. Make choices that fit your style and won’t cause you to lose focus.
  • Your social life. Find people like you and make friends at college.
  • Choosing the right classes and professors that fit your personality and learning style.
  • Campus resources…there’s more on campus than just classes.
  • The report also provides scores on seven personality dimensions.


About the Test: This test is based on a 120-question untimed personality inventory designed and validated expressly for adolescent populations. This test will probably take most people 15 minutes to complete although it will vary from person to person because it is untimed.

Testing Process: Internet-based testing allows you to complete it when it is convenient to you. When you finish, a report can be downloaded immediately.

For Parents: A college education will open the door to a bright future for your child. You know it’s worth the sacrifices to achieve that college diploma and a successful long term career…but what could jeopardize their promising future?

Academic and lifestyle decisions that your child makes in college can have long-term consequences. What if your son or daughter gets off on the wrong foot in the freshman year? It could jeopardize their promising future, not to mention what will it cost you. Tuition, board, travel, books, incidentals…tens of thousands of dollars are at risk. The online, 15-minute Transition To College Report will help ensure that your investment will pay off, rather than wait to see what happens their freshman year. Remember, 45% of freshmen will never earn a college degree.

The term “freshman slump describes the overwhelming, first-time college experience that can assail even students who had outstanding records in high school. Some of the pitfalls of a freshman slump include academic probation, loss of scholarship, paying for extra courses to bring up a low GPA, leaving school early, and wasting time and money in useless courses because of an inability to choose an appropriate major.

As an in-depth, customized assessment, the TTC Report is an excellent tool to help your child gain self-awareness and set him or her on a path of success. A college-bound student (or new freshman) can use the information and recommendations provided in their TTC Report to see more clearly what obstacles and opportunities lie ahead for them in the college environment. It’s a smart approach to a challenging transitional period for young people and provides a resource for growth in personal maturity.

For Educators: Is the Transition To College Report directed only at high school students? The TTC can be used with high school students, college freshmen, and adults who are planning to re-enter college. Students take a 15-minute, on-line assessment that produces a customized report they can immediately read on their own, share with a counselor, or print out for group discussion.

How can colleges use the TTC? There are multiple uses for the TTC among freshmen at college, including new student orientation programs, first-year studies programs, residential life programs, TRIO, career counseling, campus programs planning, academic advising, and identifying and assisting “at-risk” students.

What is the purpose of using the TTC once students get to college? The TTC helps maximize student academic success, and it provides an effective tool for colleges to control lost revenue due to drop-outs. College administrators say that the TTC Report is an excellent tool to help students gain self-awareness and direct them on a path to success.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How was the TTC Report developed? Dr. John Lounsbury, Professor of Psychology at University of Tennessee, President of Resource Associates, Inc., Fellow of the American Psychological Association, licensed Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, and his team of researchers developed the Transition To College (TTC) as an outgrowth of work on personality assessments for adolescent populations. Based on the Big Five Model of Personality (the dominant paradigm among personality theorists), the TTC Report was developed with input from school administrators, school counselors, and college students themselves.

Where has your work on the TTC Report been published? Developed by psychologists, the TTC Report represents cutting edge thinking in the field of personality assessment, educational measurement, and career development. Extensive research has demonstrated reliability and validity of the scales. In the past five years, scholarly articles based on the TTC Report scales have appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as:

  • Journal of College Student Development
  • Personality and Individual Differences
  • Psychoeducational Assessment
  • Research in Higher Education
  • Journal of Youth and Adolescence
  • Identity
  • Learning and Individual Differences
  • Journal of Community Psychology
  • Measurement and Evaluation in College Counseling
  • Child & Youth Care Forum

What did you find in your research? The personality dimensions in the TTC Report have shown significant correlations with grade point average, intention to withdraw from school, satisfaction with school/college and life satisfaction. Our research shows that personality is a fundamental aspect of human behavior and is a strong predictor of success in life…even more than intelligence. Whether you can get along with others, establish good social relationships, work toward goals, adhere to established rules, and manage your emotions have a huge impact on how well you do in life…in school, in your career and in your life satisfaction.

How many students drop out of college? A surprising number of students never earn their college degree. The statistics below are from several sources.

National College Drop-Out Rates: Freshman to Sophomore Years (AM College Testing Program 1999)

  • Highly Selective Schools 8.4%
  • Selective Schools 18.3%
  • Traditional Schools 27.1%

Benefits of the TTC to Educational Institutions

Information from the TTC is available to sponsoring educational institutions that have contracted with us to provide the TTC to their student population.

What is available?

  • Scores on each individual personality scale for each student.
  • Composite scores that reflect drop-out potential for each student.

What could scores be used for?

  • Identifying students who are most in need of counseling services.
  • Gaining insights about what types of counseling programs are most needed by the whole class.
  • Evaluating trends related to student success factors.
  • Comparing groups of students to determine different needs.
  • Providing suggestions to students on what type dorms to chose.
  • Evaluating applications for admission using personality and augment understanding of student personal characteristics.
  • Using group level statistics to understand the most pressing curriculum and programmatic needs to meet student personal growth goals.

Additional information

Administration Time


Scoring Options


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