Grammar & Spelling Aptitude Test

Ensure that your candidates have the language, grammar and spelling skills required for any job requiring the creation and management of documents using the Grammar & Spelling Aptitude Test.

About this Test

Ensure that your candidates have the language, grammar and spelling skills required for any job requiring the creation and management of documents using the Grammar & Spelling Aptitude Test.   Before you invest the time and money to train a new employee, test your applicants for these skills.

This test provides the answers you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

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Administrative people need solid language skills, proper grammar and good spelling when creating and managing your documents. 

Purpose: The Grammar & Spelling Aptitude Test assesses whether or not a potential new hire has simple grammar and spelling skills. This is especially important when the open position’s duties include preparing and proofing documents to be sent to clients or vendors. It’s also a great basic test to verify candidates for many other types of positions. We recommend using the Grammar and Spelling Test for positions such as: Secretary, Clerical Support staff, Administrative Support staff, and more.

About the Test: This is an untimed test with 25 questions.

When To Use It: It should be used when staff are preparing or proofing documents to be sent to clients or vendors.

High Scorers: People scoring high on Grammar & Spelling Test should be able to spot and correct grammar & spelling mistakes.

Low Scorers: People scoring low on this test may not notice various grammar or spelling mistakes or they may not know the underlying language use rules. They allow documents to leave your office with numerous flaws, thereby embarrassing your company and causing you to lose credibility with clients.

Number of Items: 25 sentences with several points each.

Time Limits: Untimed

Scoring: This test has not yet been normed on a group of administrative staff. Ideally,you would want someone to score close to 100% correct. For now, the scores are presented in terms of percent correct, rather than any comparison with other similar workers.

Validity Information: This test has not yet been normed on a group of administrative staff. Ideally, you would want someone to score close to 100% correct. For now, the scores are presented in terms of percent correct, rather than any comparison with other similar workers.


Their is usually alot of snowfall in janurary.

In this example, there are 4 errors.”‘Their” should be changed to “there”, “a lot” should be changed to “a lot,” and “janurary” should have a capital “J” and should be spelled “January.” Make corrections by circling the mistake and writing the correction in the space above it. Be sure to make all corrections legible and clear. There is no time limit on this test, but you should use your time wisely and work efficiently.


______ is usually ______ of snow in ______.

A) Their…….alot……january
B) There……alot……January
C) Their…….a lot……January
D) There…..a lot……January

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