Stress Management
A range of tests and assessments to identify and measure occupational and work-related stressors, stress management, stress coping abilities and stress related to specific occupations.
Showing all 20 results
Assessment of Transferrable Skills – Revised
$35.00The Assessment of Transferrable Skills – Revised evaluates specific competencies and skills that can transfer quite easily from school to the work world, and from one job to another.
Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations
Use the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations to assess clients for coping skills focused on Distraction and Social Diversion. This is a B-Level Product available only to those with specific pre-qualifications.
Coping Skills Assessment
$34.00The Coping Skills Assessment identifies how people cope with stress and what their predominant coping strategies are.
Detailed Assessment of Post-traumatic Stress™
The Detailed Assessment of Post-traumatic Stress™ is a clinical measure of trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress in adults and only for clinicians. – We’re sorry, we no longer offer the DAPS assessment. It is available, only to qualified users, at
Employee Assistance Program Inventory®
The Employee Assistance Program Inventory is an an intake and screening device for processionals that quickly identifies common problems and can be used to guide either referrals or short-term interventions.
Index of Teaching Stress™
The Index of Teaching Stress™ identifies situations where excessive levels of stress are being experienced by the teacher in relation to teaching a specific student. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see alternatives in our Stress Management category section of this site.
INSIGHT Inventory Series
The INSIGHT Inventory Series helps people gain in-depth insights into themselves, better understand others, and identify how to flex (adapt) their style to communicate better.
IT Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile
Designed to assess certain aspects of a person’s work habits, attitude and skills that pertain to success in a career in the IT industry.
Job Stress Survey
Use the Job Stress Survey to assess sources of work-related stress and measure components of occupational stress associated with the job itself, and with supervisors, coworkers, or the policies and procedures of the organization.
Occupational Personality Questionnaire – Universal Competency
The Occupational Personality Questionnaire – Universal Competency Profile measures how aspects of an individual’s behavioural style will affect his or her performance at work.
Occupational Stress Inventory
Use the Occupational Stress Inventory to assess three domains of occupational adjustment: occupational stress, psychological strain, and coping resources.
Pandemic Resilience Test
The FREE Pandemic Resilience Test evaluates a number of traits and skills that play an important role in people’s response to adversity, and offers loads of helpful, down-to-earth advice on how to manage the stress and fear stirred up by the COVID-19 epidemic. The Test evaluates nine factors, eight of which can act as a protective psychological “shield” against the stress caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
Security Guard Career Test
$80.00The Security Guard Career Test assesses whether a person has the personality traits and abilities required to succeed in a career in security.
Stress Indicator and Health Planner
Use the Stress Indicator and Health Planner to help you assess your stress and wellness levels in 5 areas: Personal Distress, Interpersonal Stress, Wellness Assessment, Time, and Occupational Stress.
Stress Processing Report®
Use the Stress Processing Report® to help measure how well individuals deal with the stress they face at work, home and in everyday life across 19 areas.
Stress Profile
The Stress Profile measures fifteen personal traits and lifestyle habits and identifies individual characteristics and behaviors that protect against or contribute to stress. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see alternatives in our Stress Management category of assessment options.
Stress Resiliency Profile
The Stress Resiliency Profile that provides insights into ways to control the stressors that have an impact on their work effectiveness and capability to influence stressful events.
Transition To College Report
Use the Transition To College Report to help college bound young people understand the personal, emotional, and social challenges they will face when starting their freshman year.
Trauma Symptom Inventory 2
The Trauma Symptom Inventory 2 is designed to evaluate posttraumatic stress and other psychological sequelae of traumatic events.
ViewPoint Assessments
Use the ViewPoint Assessments to assess attitudes and characteristics critical for success in a wide range of jobs, from hourly and entry-level to management level, in virtually all industries.
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