Stress Management
A range of tests and assessments to identify and measure occupational and work-related stressors, stress management, stress coping abilities and stress related to specific occupations.
Showing all 3 results
Detailed Assessment of Post-traumatic Stress™
The Detailed Assessment of Post-traumatic Stress™ is a clinical measure of trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress in adults and only for clinicians. – We’re sorry, we no longer offer the DAPS assessment. It is available, only to qualified users, at
Index of Teaching Stress™
The Index of Teaching Stress™ identifies situations where excessive levels of stress are being experienced by the teacher in relation to teaching a specific student. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see alternatives in our Stress Management category section of this site.
Stress Resiliency Profile
The Stress Resiliency Profile that provides insights into ways to control the stressors that have an impact on their work effectiveness and capability to influence stressful events.
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