Critical Thinking & Reasoning
Assess problem solving, numerical, general and abstract reasoning, business analysis, perceptual speed, fluid reasoning, general intelligence, etc.
Showing all 62 results
2-D Form Pattern Recognition Test
Use the 2D Form Pattern Recognition Test to assess a candidate’s ability to think in terms of two dimensions and to see how flat shapes fit together.
3-D Reasoning Aptitude Test
$22.00The 3D Spatial Reasoning Test assesses 3-dimensional thinking in maintenance technician, mechanic, machine designer, architect, draftsman, and CAD roles.
ACER Select Series
The ACER Select Series – designed for numerous applications to help screen applicants for things like problem solving, and analyzing skills in roles such as technical, clerical and administrative positions. There are six (6) versions of this assessment available.
ACER Test of Abstract Reasoning
The ACER Test of Abstract Reasoning is part of the Acer Select Series and are designed for numerous applications to help screen applicants for things like problem solving, and analyzing skills in roles such as technical, clerical and administrative positions.
Adaptive Profile – Reasoning
$94.00Use the Adaptive Profile – Reasoning to screen applicants for entry-level positions and measure their ability to analyze and use information to solve problems.
Adaptive Reasoning Test
Use the Adaptive Reasoning Test to screen applicants for cognitive ability as it relates to success on the job.
Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal
$39.00The Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal assess higher-level numerical reasoning skills for managing complex business information.
Analytical Reasoning Test
$35.00The Analytical Reasoning Test assesses inductive and deductive reasoning skills , verbal and quantitative reasoning skills for roles where logic and reasoning skills are paramount in business decision-making.
Applicant Potential Test
The Applicant Potential Test is a general pre-screening to accurately and objectively identify effective problem solvers top performers and quick learners
Assessment of Multiple Intelligences – Revised (AMI-R)
The Assessment of Multiple Intelligences is a self-assessment tool designed to help individuals identify which specific type of intelligence one possesses and how it can be used to his or her best advantage.
Basic Skills Test (BST®)
Use the Basic Skills Test (BST®) to assess 15 skills including vocabulary, problem solving, language, reading, computation for identifying fundamental reasoning, numerical, perceptual abilities of applicants for clerical, administrative and customer service roles.
Business Analyst Skills Evaluation
Screens candidates for roles where interpretation, translating business problems to logic, systems analysis and procedures analysis skills are necessary with the Business Analyst Skills Evaluation.
Childcare Aptitude Profile (Nanny Test)
$80.00The Childcare Aptitude Profile assesses whether a person has the necessary skills and traits to be a professional nanny, empathy, stress tolerance, respect for family privacy, etc.
Classifying And Coding – UK
The Classifying And Coding assessment tests the ability of professionals, front-line supervisors and managers to classify and code items by categories.
Classifying And Coding – US R1
$25.00The Classifying And Coding assessment tests the ability of professionals, front-line supervisors and managers to classify and code items by categories.
Core Abilities Assessment
$31.00Use the Core Abilities Assessment to screen for an applicant’s critical reasoning skills and their ability to learn and perform on the job.
Creativity & Problem Solving Aptitude Test
Use the Creativity & Problem Solving Aptitude test to assess problem solving attitudes and creative thinking ability in clients or employees.
Creativity and Innovation Effectiveness Profile
The Creativity and Innovation Effectiveness Profile assesses individual creativity and build business skills like willingness to experiment and take risks.
Customer Complaint Situation
The Customer Complaint Situation™ is an interactive team exercise that raises awareness of behaviors that contribute to high-quality service while building participants’ consensus decision-making skills.
DecideX Strategic Decision Making Instrument
Use the DecideX Strategic Decision Making Instrument – build more effective teams and identify team member inputs, processes, and acts on information in the work setting.
Differential Aptitude Tests™ – Next Generation
$25.00Use the The Differential Aptitude Tests™ battery of tests to assess the levels of a number of cognitive abilities and aptitudes, including Verbal Reasoning, Space Relations, Numerical Ability, Language Usage, Abstract Reasoning and Mechanical Reasoning.
Driving Personality Profile
$35.00Use the Driving Personality Profile pre-screener to identify people whose attitudes and behaviour behind the wheel could be problematic.
Employee Aptitude Survey Test Series
$35.0010 tests for cognitive, perceptual, psychomotor, mental ability, flexibility, etc.
Employee Attitude and Personality Test – Revised
$35.00The Employee Attitude and Personality Test – Revised is an overarching assessment of a person’s work personality profile, including trainability, initiative, abrasiveness, analytical thinking, emotional stability and more.
Envisioning a Culture for Quality
The Envisioning a Culture for Quality™ is an interactive team exercise that raises awareness of behaviors that contribute to high-quality service while building participants’ consensus decision-making skills.
Executive Scenarios
Executive Scenarios is a unique test of Managerial Judgement – an individual’s ability to decide on effective ways of handling real life situations.
General Cognitive Aptitude Test
$22.00Use the General Cognitive Aptitude Test and assess the general mental ability of your candidates to see how able they are quick to pick up new information, be alert to new ideas that might be applied to their jobs, capable of grasping difficult concepts on their own, and more.
General Reasoning Aptitude Test
$22.00Use the General Reasoning Aptitude Test to assess assess candidates in several types of reasoning including numerical, verbal, spatial, logic math and more.
Graphic Designer Test
Use the Graphic Designer Test to assess candidates for creativity, communication, temperament, thinking skills and intelligence. It identifies candidates who work well with others on joint projects and take customers needs into consideration, are willing to engage in an exchange of ideas without getting their feelings hurt, and are stable, dependable and innovative.
IT Analytical Aptitude Skills Evaluation
Use the IT Analytical Aptitude Skills Evaluation to assess an applicant’s aptitude and potential for analyzing business problems.
IT Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile
Designed to assess certain aspects of a person’s work habits, attitude and skills that pertain to success in a career in the IT industry.
Logic IQ Test
$34.00The Logic IQ Test is designed to test logic and mathematical IQ. It will assess a person’s ability to logically discern numerical patterns and to apply them to new contexts, to complete numerical computations, and to solve geometrical, mathematical and logic word problems.
Management Skills and Styles Assessment – Abridged
$80.00The Management Skills and Styles Assessment – Abridged is a condensed test that is designed to assess 35 key traits that are linked to managerial ability.
Managing to Excel2 Making Decisions & Weighing Risks
The Managing to Excel2 Making Decisions & Weighing Risks course helps to distinguish between problem solving and decision making and explores how you behave when you make decisions by yourself and with others.
My Thinking Styles
The My Thinking Styles Test is a personal/professional development tool designed to evaluate thinking styles and how an individual tends to approach situations and make decisions.
Non-Verbal IQ Test
The Non-Verbal IQ Test – 2nd Revision measures IQ while minimizing cultural or educational biases by using image-based questions.
Numeric Reasoning Aptitude Test
$22.00Use the Numeric Reasoning Aptitude Test to screen applicants for basic numerical reasoning and quantitative reasoning skills in roles like finance clerks, estimators, buyers, bank tellers, loan officers, field sales candidates, managers and supervisors.
Numerical Data Interpretation Test
$44.00Assesses numerical reasoning ability, related to the interpretation and manipulation of the types of numerical data routinely encountered in the workplace.
Occupational Personality Questionnaire
The Occupational Personality Questionnaire measures how aspects of an individual’s behavioural style will affect his or her performance at work.
Occupational Personality Questionnaire – Universal Competency
The Occupational Personality Questionnaire – Universal Competency Profile measures how aspects of an individual’s behavioural style will affect his or her performance at work.
Occupational: Accountant/Auditor
The Occupational: Accountant/Auditor measures the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your accountant, auditor, banking and financial manager candidates.
Occupational: Financial Analyst
$74.00Use the Occupational: Financial Analyst to measure a candidate’s potential fit for the role of an Analyst within the financial industry by assessing critical thinking and work style.
Occupational: Insurance Adjuster, Examiner or Investigator
The Occupational: Insurance Adjuster, Examiner or Investigator measures the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your insurance adjuster, claims adjuster, appraiser, insurance examiner and insurance investigator candidates.
Occupational: Insurance Underwriter
Use the Occupational: Insurance Underwriter to measure the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your insurance underwriter candidates.
Occupational: Loan Officer
Use the Occupational: Loan Officer to measure the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your loan officer candidates.
Pattern Series Test of Abstract Reasoning
Use the Pattern Series Test of Abstract Reasoning to screen applicants for basic mental ability, speed at learning new ideas and concepts and then use the knowledge effectively.
PC User Aptitude Test
Use the PC User Aptitude Test to evaluate a candidate’s practical and analytical skills required for the effective use of PC’s.
Personnel Assessment Form
Use the Personnel Assessment Form to assess mental ability and identify quick learners, communication and decision making skills in leadership and management candidates.
Problem-Solving & Decision-Making Profile
Use the Problem-Solving & Decision-Making Profile to determine an individual’s self-reported level of competence in 7 problem solving competencies.
Professional Individual Contributor
Use the Professional Individual Contributor Solution to screen upper-level, non-managerial roles like Engineer, Human Resource Consultant, Business Analyst, and IT Analyst. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued and replaced with the Professional 7.0 and Professional + 7.0 Click Here
Raven’s™ Progressive Matrices
$48.00Use the Raven’s Progressive Matrices to measure non-verbal mental ability, identify individuals with advanced observation and thinking skills who can handle the complexity and ambiguity of the modern workplace.
Scenarios Management
The Scenarios Management assessment measures an individual’s ability to decide on effective ways of handling real life situations.
Security Guard Career Test
$80.00The Security Guard Career Test assesses whether a person has the personality traits and abilities required to succeed in a career in security.
Shipley Institute of Living Scale-2
Use the Shipley Institute of Living Scale-2 when you need to obtain quick ability estimates, screen for cognitive dysfunction, or qualify participants for research studies.
SkillSeries™ – Logic & Reasoning Test
SkillSeries™ Logic & Reasoning Test – SkillSeries™ Analyzing, Assembly, Attention To Detail, Filing, Grammar, Inspection, Logic & Reasoning, Math, Proofreading, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Vocabulary Skills Tests for general pre-screening. – We’re sorry, the Logic & Reasoning test has been discontinued. Please use the search box and look for Logic or Reasoning for alternatives.
SkillSeries™ Tests For General Pre-Screening
SkillSeries™ Analyzing, Assembly, Attention To Detail, Filing, Grammar, Inspection, Logic & Reasoning, Math, Proofreading, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Vocabulary Skills Tests for general pre-screening. – We’re sorry, 5 of these tests have been discontinued. See the Workplace Skills tests for alternatives.
Verbal Reasoning Aptitude Test
The Verbal Reasoning Aptitude Test identifies people who are very effective communicators and those who are able to inform, persuade, motivate, counsel, or coordinate activities among co-workers or customers.
Verify Ability Tests
$34.00Use the Verify Ability Tests to assess a wide range of jobs and skills – from graduate and managerial level to administrator roles.
Visual Comparison
Use the Visual Comparison (UK/US) to assess an applicant’s ability to efficiently compare information and detect errors.
Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal® III
$82.00Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal® III measures critical thinking ability and decision making in high-potential professionals, new managers, and future leaders.
Wesman Personnel Classification Test
The Wesman Personnel Classification Test (Verbal Reasoning) measures the ability to reason through analogy and the perception of verbal relationships.
Wonderlic Contemporary Cognitive Ability Test
Use the Wonderlic Contemporary Cognitive Ability Test to assess an individual’s ability to learn, adapt, solve problems, and understand instructions. It is a valid predictor of future job performance, and may be used for positions ranging from routine to complex.
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