Critical Thinking & Reasoning
Assess problem solving, numerical, general and abstract reasoning, business analysis, perceptual speed, fluid reasoning, general intelligence, etc.
Showing all 23 results
3-D Reasoning Aptitude Test
$22.00The 3D Spatial Reasoning Test assesses 3-dimensional thinking in maintenance technician, mechanic, machine designer, architect, draftsman, and CAD roles.
Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal
$39.00The Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal assess higher-level numerical reasoning skills for managing complex business information.
Analytical Reasoning Test
$35.00The Analytical Reasoning Test assesses inductive and deductive reasoning skills , verbal and quantitative reasoning skills for roles where logic and reasoning skills are paramount in business decision-making.
Assessment of Multiple Intelligences – Revised (AMI-R)
The Assessment of Multiple Intelligences is a self-assessment tool designed to help individuals identify which specific type of intelligence one possesses and how it can be used to his or her best advantage.
Childcare Aptitude Profile (Nanny Test)
$80.00The Childcare Aptitude Profile assesses whether a person has the necessary skills and traits to be a professional nanny, empathy, stress tolerance, respect for family privacy, etc.
Classifying And Coding – UK
The Classifying And Coding assessment tests the ability of professionals, front-line supervisors and managers to classify and code items by categories.
Classifying And Coding – US R1
$25.00The Classifying And Coding assessment tests the ability of professionals, front-line supervisors and managers to classify and code items by categories.
Core Abilities Assessment
$31.00Use the Core Abilities Assessment to screen for an applicant’s critical reasoning skills and their ability to learn and perform on the job.
Driving Personality Profile
$35.00Use the Driving Personality Profile pre-screener to identify people whose attitudes and behaviour behind the wheel could be problematic.
Executive Scenarios
Executive Scenarios is a unique test of Managerial Judgement – an individual’s ability to decide on effective ways of handling real life situations.
IT Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile
Designed to assess certain aspects of a person’s work habits, attitude and skills that pertain to success in a career in the IT industry.
Occupational Personality Questionnaire
The Occupational Personality Questionnaire measures how aspects of an individual’s behavioural style will affect his or her performance at work.
Occupational Personality Questionnaire – Universal Competency
The Occupational Personality Questionnaire – Universal Competency Profile measures how aspects of an individual’s behavioural style will affect his or her performance at work.
Occupational: Accountant/Auditor
The Occupational: Accountant/Auditor measures the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your accountant, auditor, banking and financial manager candidates.
Occupational: Insurance Adjuster, Examiner or Investigator
The Occupational: Insurance Adjuster, Examiner or Investigator measures the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your insurance adjuster, claims adjuster, appraiser, insurance examiner and insurance investigator candidates. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued. Please see other options in our Insurance test category.
Occupational: Insurance Underwriter
Use the Occupational: Insurance Underwriter to measure the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your insurance underwriter candidates. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued. Please see other options in our Insurance test category.
Occupational: Loan Officer
Use the Occupational: Loan Officer to measure the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your loan officer candidates.
Professional Individual Contributor
Use the Professional Individual Contributor Solution to screen upper-level, non-managerial roles like Engineer, Human Resource Consultant, Business Analyst, and IT Analyst. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued and replaced with the Professional 7.0 and Professional + 7.0 Click Here
Raven’s™ Progressive Matrices
$48.00Use the Raven’s Progressive Matrices to measure non-verbal mental ability, identify individuals with advanced observation and thinking skills who can handle the complexity and ambiguity of the modern workplace.
Scenarios Management
The Scenarios Management assessment measures an individual’s ability to decide on effective ways of handling real life situations.
SkillSeries™ – Logic & Reasoning Test
SkillSeries™ Logic & Reasoning Test – SkillSeries™ Analyzing, Assembly, Attention To Detail, Filing, Grammar, Inspection, Logic & Reasoning, Math, Proofreading, Reading Comprehension, Spelling and Vocabulary Skills Tests for general pre-screening. – We’re sorry, the Logic & Reasoning test has been discontinued. Please use the search box and look for Logic or Reasoning for alternatives.
Visual Comparison
Use the Visual Comparison (UK/US) to assess an applicant’s ability to efficiently compare information and detect errors.
Wonderlic Contemporary Cognitive Ability Test
Use the Wonderlic Contemporary Cognitive Ability Test to assess an individual’s ability to learn, adapt, solve problems, and understand instructions. It is a valid predictor of future job performance, and may be used for positions ranging from routine to complex.
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