A Common Sense Approach To Recruitment Challenges

Almost 75% of employers are, or will be, experiencing hiring challenges in 2023.  This isn’t news. Forbes[i], Benefits Canada[ii], LinkedIn[iii], The Guardian[iv] and others offer articles full of disturbing survey statistics and trends and itemize the problems that...

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What Do You Do About Time Theft?

Time Theft is when an employee is engaged in something other than the work they’re being paid to do during work hours.  It’s becoming a big problem for employers, particularly with the increase in remote workers.  Recently, an employee in British Columbia was ordered to return $2500 to her employer due to time theft.  

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Self-Assess Your Emotional Resilience In The Face of Adversity With The FREE Pandemic Resilience Test

This is an uncertain time and it has put great deal of stress on everyone, particularly those who are without an income, and those who have friends or family who’ve contracted Covid-19. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and to become weighed down with worry about the future.

Some people cope well with adversity and others are less hardy. Even those who cope well sometimes need additional support or to be reminded that they do have some control over their lives and that there are things they can do to reduce their anxiety. For some, the Pandemic Resilience Test can help them clarify their need for outside or professional mental health support.

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