Assess attorney candidates for aggression, detail-orientation, stability, optimism, and mental ability with the Attorney Test.
Careprovider Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile
Use the Careprovider Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile to assess candidates for the personality traits and skills they need to succeed as caregivers.
Conflict Strategies Inventory
The Conflict Strategies Inventory helps individuals discover their preferred conflict strategies and learn how to deal effectively with conflict.
Customer Service Phone Simulation/Solution
The Customer Service Phone Simulation or Solution is for contact center roles that involve sales or sales related behaviors such as recommending products or services and retaining customers. We’re sorry, This test has been discontinued and replaced with the Contact Center Simulations tests – Click Here
Detailed Assessment of Post-traumatic Stress™
The Detailed Assessment of Post-traumatic Stress™ is a clinical measure of trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress in adults and only for clinicians. – We’re sorry, we no longer offer the DAPS assessment. It is available, only to qualified users, at
Earning Capacity Assessment Form
The ECAF-2 aids vocational rehabilitation evaluations by providing a method to guide the process of evaluating a claim of loss of earning capacity. It estimates future loss of earning capacity following an injury or accident and can be used for claims of loss of earning capacity as well as when there are allegations of acquired disabling problems.
Hearing Care Specialist Test
Use the Hearing Care Specialist Test to find candidates with customer service, hearing aid repair, fitting, adjusting and sales skills.
Industrial Hygienist Test
Use the Industrial Hygienist Test to screen candidates who are smart, able to learn and reason, get along with others and be dependable.
Leadership Skills Inventory – Self & 360°
The Leadership Skills Inventory – Self & 360° are self-administered/self-scored leadership evaluation, coaching, learning, and development tools for individuals and teams.
Leadership Skills Profile-Revised
The NEW Leadership Skills Profile-Revised is a unique, personality-based assessment that uses information about an individual’s personality to predict their strengths and development opportunities, and predicts performance on 50 competencies that are critical to leadership effectiveness.