The shortage of Canadian talent is at a record high, and the risk of making a bad hire has increased along with it. On average, employers take 10 weeks to terminate a bad hire and an additional 6 weeks to restaff the position.
NEW – Therapy Assessments
We’re pleased to announce the recent addition of 17 assessments designed to help counsellors, therapists and other professionals investigate and diagnose a variety of mental health disorders and personality traits amongst their clientele.
NEW! Team Dynamics Reporting Is Now A Part of The Work Personality Index®
We're pleased to announce that the very popular and flexible Work Personality Index® has a new Team Dynamics component. Team members and managers can visualize how their style compares to the group at large and learn about strengths and challenges. Every manager can...
Not Using Assessments Is Your Biggest Mistake
Given the fact that there are thousands of reliable, accurate, validated, and legal assessment options available to employers, it’s more than just surprising that so many articles written to help employers improve their candidate screening processes don’t even mention tests. Practically all of the ’best practices’ and tips listed in the articles are valid and helpful (see Endnotes). Where they’ve missed the boat is by overlooking the incredible benefit offered by pre-employment screening tools.
New Test Announcement – Work Styles Predictor
COD is pleased to announce the addition of the Work Styles Predictor. This custom-designed assessment will help organizations pre-screen applicants for entry-level and supervisory roles. The test is customized, with your direct input, and specialized for your...
When The Testing Experts Aren’t “Expert” (or Don’t Believe Everything That You Read Online)
Despite the assertions of some (so-called) experts online, pre-screening and personality tests are not subjective, ambiguous, discriminatory, biased or detrimental to hiring. They’re a tool, like any other, and can be misapplied or used incorrectly. That, however, is not a failing of the test but rather of the user.
Stop Thief! The High Cost of Workplace Dishonesty.
If you’re struggling with employees with a poor work ethic, who take bogus sick days, who are untrustworthy, or who lie, cheat or steal, call us. We have the solutions that you’ve been searching for.
Over 1000 New Tests Recently Added
We are pleased to announce that we have added over 1000 new test titles to our catalogue! The IBM Kenexa tests have been widely used and highly regarded measures of job fit, personality, job skills and more. The range of options available to employers is immense and...
Hiring For Diversity and Equity vs Merit and Competence
“Increasing the percentage of females or racial minorities in corporate workforces are goals often pursued by firms devoted” to Diversity, equity, and inclusion (known as DEI) and it has gained great prominence in recent years. More and more companies are trying to apply DEI to their hiring practices. Opponents claim that this tends “to advance the mingling of racial or sexual identity with critical hiring decisions, leading to a decline in overall profitability and efficiency as efforts to hire the most qualified candidates are deprioritized.”
A Common Sense Approach To Recruitment Challenges
Almost 75% of employers are, or will be, experiencing hiring challenges in 2023. This isn’t news. Forbes[i], Benefits Canada[ii], LinkedIn[iii], The Guardian[iv] and others offer articles full of disturbing survey statistics and trends and itemize the problems that...