Tests and Assessments for assessing employees and applicants in the education profession and roles involving working with or instructing children and adolescents, including camp counselling roles.
Showing all 10 results
Assessing Barriers to Education
The Assessing Barriers to Education tool helps counselors/job coaches assess clients for situational, emotional, attitudinal, and material barriers to continuing education, helps dispel myths and identifies the most accessible options available to them. – We’re sorry, this product has been discontinued.
College Survival & Success Scale 2nd Edition
Use the College Survival & Success Scale to identify potential pitfalls to educational success in students are trying to further their educations and open students’ eyes to the key skills and attitudes for surviving and thriving in college. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see alternatives in our Education category section of this site.
College-to-Career Transition Inventory (C2C)
The College-to-Career Transition Inventory helps students pinpoint the false beliefs and potential gaps in knowledge and skills that might prevent them from finding a job or succeeding in their career. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see alternatives in our Education category section of this site.
CORE20™ Tests
$10.00 – $16.00CORE20™ Tests – are a set of four individually sold assessments for Clerical, Management, Personality and Sales-Customer Service
Index of Teaching Stress™
The Index of Teaching Stress™ identifies situations where excessive levels of stress are being experienced by the teacher in relation to teaching a specific student. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see alternatives in our Stress Management category section of this site.
Learning Styles Index
$46.00Use the Learning Style Indicator to help understand your natural learning preferences, your learning style pattern, and your most effective learning strategies.
PAI® (Personality Assessment Inventory: Adolescent)
The PAI® (Personality Assessment Inventory: Adolescent) an objective personality assessment for use with adolescents. – We’re sorry, we no longer offer the Personality Assessment Inventory. It is available, to qualified purchasers, at
SAMS – Study Attitudes & Methods Survey
Use the SAMS – Study Attitudes & Methods Survey to explore students’ motivation, study habits and attitudes toward school. – We’re sorry, this assessment is no longer available.
School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory
The School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI) is a quick, cost-effective way to identify students who may have ineffective or poorly developed learning strategies, low levels of academic motivation, attention and concentration problems, difficulties with test-taking, or test anxiety.
Tests of Dyslexia
The Tests of Dyslexia is a comprehensive battery of tests and resources designed to help identify and plan interventions for individuals of all ages with dyslexia.
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