Banking Skills
Assessments for banking employees such as tellers, bank managers, accounting managers, other finance roles and skills such as handling money, etc.
Showing all 25 results
Accounting Manager Test
The Accounting Manager Test screens accounting candidates for mental ability, leadership qualities, integrity and work ethics.
Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal
$39.00The Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal assess higher-level numerical reasoning skills for managing complex business information.
Bank Collections Agent – Short Form
Use the Bank Collections Agent – Short Form to screen candidates for skills like tact, problem solving and account monitoring for entry-level collections in inbound or outbound call center environments in a financial setting.
Bank Manager Test
Use the Bank Manager Test to assess mental ability, information processing, ethics, leadership qualities and decision making in financial roles
Bank Teller Math Aptitude Test
$22.00Use the Banking Teller Math Aptitude Test to measure basic math skills and error catching ability of applicants for teller and loan officer roles in banking.
Bank Teller Skills Test
Use the Bank Teller Skills Test to screen and assess verbal, numerical, logic, coding, teller skills in bank teller candidates.
Banking Services Representative Test
$50.00Use the Banking Services Representative Test to assess friendliness, cross-selling and customer service skills in applicants for all banking service roles.
Banking/Finance Administrative Assistant Test
Assess Banking/Finance Administrative Assistants for entry-level clerical positions that include typing skills, customer service, professionalism and conscientiousness. – We’re sorry, the Banking/Finance Administrative has been discontinued and replaced with the General Entry Level 7.0 – Data Entry.
Branch Manager – Short Form
Use the Branch Manager to assess mid-level applicants for management judgment, leadership potential, problem solving and teamwork skills. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued and replaced with the Manager 7.0 – Click Here
Entry Level Customer Service
$34.00The Entry Level Customer Service assesses a wide range of entry-level positions where employees are expected to interact with customers when carrying out critical tasks of the job.
Financial & Banking Services
$15.00The Financial & Banking Services test measures the knowledge of investment products, banking products, taxation and principles of macroeconomics.
Financial Services Practice Manager Test
The Financial Services Practice Manager Test identifies the leadership qualities necessary to monitor others, make ethical decisions efficiently and handle complexities.
Occupational: Bank Teller
Use the Occupational: Bank Teller to measure key administrative & clerical skills and personal work style for banking roles.
Occupational: Financial Analyst
$74.00Use the Occupational: Financial Analyst to measure a candidate’s potential fit for the role of an Analyst within the financial industry by assessing critical thinking and work style.
Occupational: Financial Manager
$74.00Use the Occupational: Financial Manager to measure the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your financial manager candidates.
Occupational: Loan Officer
Use the Occupational: Loan Officer to measure the critical thinking, reasoning and inference skills, as well as, the overall job fit of your loan officer candidates.
OPAC® Software Skills Tests
The OPAC® Software Skills Tests offer an array of over 50 exams to measure critical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for success in the high-stress office environment.
Personal Banker Solution
Use the Personal Banker Solution for all entry to mid-level financial institution and loan officer positions. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued, updated and replaced with the Entry Level Sales (click here) and/or Sales Professional 7.0 (click here).
Phone Banker Test
The Phone Banker Test assesses learning potential, dependability, persistence and planfulness, sales focus, customer focus. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued and replaced with the Sales & Service Phone Solution – Click Here
Short Employment Tests®
Use the Short Employment Tests® for selecting candidates for administrative, banking, customer service and cashier positions.
SkillCheck® Assessments
$30.00The SkillCheck® Assessments cover the broadest range of clerical, software, call center, financial, healthcare, industrial, legal, and technical candidate competencies.
Teller 6.0 – US, UK, ANZ English
The Teller 6.0 assesses person’s ability to handle money, prevent transactional errors, promote quality customer service, and generate sales or referrals appropriately.
Teller 7.0
$67.00The Teller 7.0 replaces the Teller 6.0 and assesses person’s ability to handle money, prevent transactional errors, promote quality customer service, and generate sales or referrals appropriately.
Teller With Sales Solution
The Teller With Sales Solution is for all entry-level financial institution bank teller positions.
What Is The Value (US)
$35.00Use the What Is The Value (US) measure entry level candidates’ candidate’s money handling ability in positions handling cash.
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