Assessments for applicant potential, risk assessment, counterproductive behaviours, dependability, productivity and reliability.
Showing all 9 results
Childcare Aptitude Profile (Nanny Test)
$80.00The Childcare Aptitude Profile assesses whether a person has the necessary skills and traits to be a professional nanny, empathy, stress tolerance, respect for family privacy, etc.
Counterproductive Behavior Index™
Use the Counterproductive Behavior Index to identify chronic problem employees whose behavior, attitudes, and work-related values will interfere with their success.
Customer Service Representative for High Security Positions
$22.00Use the Customer Service Representative for High Security Positions to identify honest hard working dependable customer service applicants.
Delivery Driver Test
$37.00Use the Delivery Driver Test to screen applicants for math, dependability, conscientiousness and rule following for any position delivering goods to customers.
Employee Dependability Profile
The Employee Dependability Profile identifies applicants who will be dependable, reliable and stable employees who are reliable and can be trusted, those who think work is important and are committed to doing their best, and those who show initiative and are willing to do more than they are asked.
Professional Individual Contributor
Use the Professional Individual Contributor Solution to screen upper-level, non-managerial roles like Engineer, Human Resource Consultant, Business Analyst, and IT Analyst. – We’re sorry, this test has been discontinued and replaced with the Professional 7.0 and Professional + 7.0 Click Here
Remote Worker Aptitude Assessment
$35.00The Remote Worker Aptitude Assessment is designed to determine whether a person is suited for remote work in terms of personality, attitude, and conduct.
Work Ethics Test & Dependability Test
Use the Work Ethics Test & Dependability Test to hire people who will take responsibility for themselves and the quality of their work. – We’re sorry, the this test has been discontinued. See our Dependability category for alternatives.
Work Orientation Survey
The Work Orientation Survey is an untimed test that measures the degree to which an applicant can expect to be reliable, dependable and conscientious. It is 1/3 of the Firefighter Selection System (FSS). The FSS consists of three job-related instruments that can be used together or separately: The Firefighter Selection Test, Firefighter Learning Simulation, and the Work Orientation Survey. We’re sorry, we no longer offer this test; please contact us for alternatives.
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