Career & Vocational Interest
Assessments for coaches, counsellors, youth, students, ex-offenders, people with disabilities, seminar participants and individuals seeking career direction, career guidance, career exploration, career transition, vocational exploration, identifying educational barriers, entrepreneurial readiness, and more.
Showing all 87 results
Ability Explorer, Second Edition
The Ability Explorer is designed to help people identify their strongest abilities for career and vocational planning. For individuals and career counsellors.
Adolescent Personal Style Inventory
The Adolescent Personal Style Inventory is for students/counselors, to help measure personal growth/personality and suggest career paths.
Ashland Interest Assessment
$35.00The Ashland Interest Assessment is a career planning and counselling tool designed for individuals with barriers to employment due to educational, physical, emotional, cognitive, or psychiatric conditions. Ideal for career planning/counselling for those with special needs or very low reading levels.
Assessing Barriers to Education
The Assessing Barriers to Education tool helps counselors/job coaches assess clients for situational, emotional, attitudinal, and material barriers to continuing education, helps dispel myths and identifies the most accessible options available to them. – We’re sorry, this product has been discontinued.
Barriers to Employment Success Inventory
$7.00Use the Barriers to Employment Success Inventory to help you achieve a more effective job search and identify those hurdles and obstacles that stand in the way of your job success.
Barriers to Employment Success Inventory – 4th Edition
$7.00Use the Barriers to Employment Success Inventory to help you achieve a more effective job search and identify those hurdles and obstacles that stand in the way of your job success.
Barriers to Reentry Success Inventory
$7.00Use the Barriers to Reentry Success Inventory to help you achieve a more effective job search and identify those hurdles and obstacles that stand in the way of your job success.
Career & Life Explorer 3rd Ed.
This self-assessment for students gets them thinking about their futures and their careers while encouraging them to stay in school, explore their options, and dream big.
Career Advancement Profile – Revised
$35.00Career Advancement Profile – Assess an individual’s preparedness for career advancement and measures initiative, confidence and adaptability skills.
Career Attitudes & Strategies Inventory (CASI)
The Career Attitudes & Strategies Inventory surveys beliefs, events, and forces affecting careers and identifies problems requiring further discussion and exploration.
Career Decision Scale (CDS)
Use the Career Decision Scale to assess career, educational and occupational indecision in high school and college students.
Career Development Report for Individual Contributors
$74.00The Career Development Report for Individual Contributors helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for career development.
Career Development Report For Managers
$74.00The Career Development Report For Managers helps identify leadership style, strengths, weaknesses, find a new line of work and “sell” yourself.
Career Directions Inventory
The Career Directions Inventory facilitates educational and career exploration and counseling for high school, college, university students and adults.
Career Exploration Inventory – EZ 2nd Edition (CEI-Easy)
$7.00The Career Exploration Inventory guides job seekers in exploring and planning life, work and leisure activities and identify their major career interests.
Career Exploration Inventory 5th Edition
The Career Exploration Inventory 5th Edition guides job seekers in exploring and planning life, work and leisure activities and identify their major career interests. – We’re sorry, this product has been discontinued.
Career Intake & Counselling Scale
Use the Career Intake & Counselling Scale to identify urgent career development needs and deficiencies that prevent people from attaining employment success.
Career Interest Profiler & Canadian Career Interest Profiler
$36.00Use the Career Interest Profiler & Canadian Career Interest Profiler to help clients identify and clarify their top career choices, and career options.
Career Motivation Profile
$35.00Use the Career Motivation Profile assesses employee work place motivation. Uncover what motivates people in order to create a thriving work environment.
Career Personality Inventory
Use the Career Personality Inventory to match client’s personality types to their career and work preferences to help guide career searches.
Career Planning Scale (CPS)
The Career Planning Scale helps individuals to develop short- and long-term career plans and evaluate their progress in the career development and decision-making process.
Career Priorities Profile 3rd Ed.
The Career Priorities Profile is a structured method for career exploration that empowers individuals to identify priorities and evaluate their career or job choices based on them.
Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI)
The Career Thoughts Inventory helps improve the effectiveness of career counseling and guidance and identify the nature of an individual’s career problems.
Career Values Scale
$48.00The Career Values Scale measures work-related values for job satisfaction in individual career counselling and planning provides an individuals with information about what is important in their work or career.
College Survival & Success Scale 2nd Edition
Use the College Survival & Success Scale to identify potential pitfalls to educational success in students are trying to further their educations and open students’ eyes to the key skills and attitudes for surviving and thriving in college. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see alternatives in our Education category section of this site.
College-to-Career Transition Inventory (C2C)
The College-to-Career Transition Inventory helps students pinpoint the false beliefs and potential gaps in knowledge and skills that might prevent them from finding a job or succeeding in their career. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see alternatives in our Education category section of this site.
Computer Career Assessment Test
Use the Computer Career Assessment Test to evaluate the capability and aptitude of an individual to choose a computer-related career.
Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations
Use the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations to assess clients for coping skills focused on Distraction and Social Diversion. This is a B-Level Product available only to those with specific pre-qualifications.
Differential Aptitude Tests™
$30.00The Differential Aptitude Tests™ are a suite of assessments measuring general and specific mental abilities for a wide range of occupational applications including: Space Relations, Problem Solving, Verbal Reasoning, etc. – This product has been updated with the Differential Aptitude Tests – Next Generation
Differential Aptitude Tests™ For Personnel and Career Assessment
$30.00Use the Differential Aptitude Tests™ For Personnel and Career Assessment to assess general and specific mental abilities that relate to a wide variety of positions to ensure that people have the competencies required in order to succeed.
Earning Capacity Assessment Form
The ECAF-2 aids vocational rehabilitation evaluations by providing a method to guide the process of evaluating a claim of loss of earning capacity. It estimates future loss of earning capacity following an injury or accident and can be used for claims of loss of earning capacity as well as when there are allegations of acquired disabling problems.
Employability Skills Inventory
$7.00The Employability Skills Inventory helps people to quickly assess their own strengths and weaknesses so that they may improve their skills through additional training and experience.
Entrepreneur Potential Test
$51.00Use the Entrepreneur Potential Test to gain insights on whether you’d be a success at starting your own company and happy with this type of career path.
Entrepreneurial Aptitude Profile
$80.00The Entrepreneurial Aptitude Profile identifies whether a person has the characteristics that typically demonstrate entrepreneurial potential.
Entrepreneurial EDGE
$60.00Use the Entrepreneurial Edge™ to measure the competencies needed for entrepreneurial success and provides a robust understanding of those competencies that are imperative to ones success in any endeavor that can benefit from an entrepreneurial understanding or perspective.
Entrepreneurial Personality Assessment
$35.00The Entrepreneurial Personality Assessment measures which aspects of a person’s personality are well-suited for owning a business, and which aspects could be problematic.
Entrepreneurial Style & Success Indicator
$115.00The Entrepreneurial Style & Success Indicator helps you determine your inherent entrepreneurial tendencies, motivations, and propensities.
Financial Literacy Inventory Test
$7.00Obtain a benchmark of your candidates’ skills with the Financial Literacy Inventory that assesses a person’s basic knowledge of money management.
Franchisee – New Business Owner Test
$51.00The Franchisee/New Business Owner Test is a self-assessment tool for those planning on becoming self-employed to help them gauge their likelihood of success and/or satisfaction, assessing factors like growing the business through dint of their own effort, including securing financing, marketing, and sales.
Franchisee Personality Profile
$80.00The Franchisee Personality Profile assesses a person’s personality and attitudes to fit the ideal franchisee profile with versions for fast food, hotel and restaurant industries.
Hairstylist Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile
$80.00The Hairstylist Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile evaluates whether a person has the skills and traits to be successful in the Hairdressing field.
IDEAS: Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System®
The IDEAS: Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System® helps students and adults develop an awareness of possible career choices.
Individual Employment Plan
The Individual Employment Plan is no longer available, please see our Careers category for alternatives to this assessment.
Interview Style Inventory
The Interview Style Inventory test helps clients plan out the strategies they will use in their next interview, capitalizing on their strengths and improving on their weaknesses. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see alternatives in our CAREER & VOCATIONAL INTEREST category section of this site.
Jackson Career Explorer
$61.00The Jackson Career Explorer guides people toward satisfying and fulfilling careers and generates personalized career information.
Jackson Vocational Interest Survey
$25.00The Jackson Vocational Interest Survey is an education and career planning tool that provides a detailed snapshot of one’s interests and how they relate to the world of study and work.
Job Search Attitude Inventory
$7.00Use the Job Search Attitude Inventory (5th Edition) to help individuals identify their attitudes about looking for a job and then give suggestions for becoming more active and self-directed in the job search.
Job Search Knowledge Scale
$7.00Use the Job Search Knowledge Scale (3rd Edition) to help determine how much an individual knows about looking for work and help people focus on key areas of the job search as needed.
Job Skills Training Needs Analysis – See the Training Needs Assessment Test
Job Skills Training Needs Analysis test has been replaced with the Training Needs Assessment Test which can be found on this website.
Job Smarts 3rd Edition
The Job Smarts 3rd Edition 12 Steps To Job Success workbook teaches students how to find, get, and keep a job, but with this unique focus: It is written for adults and students with low reading levels and other special needs.
Job Style Indicator
$31.00The Job Style Indicator helps measure the work style requirements of a specific job, role, or responsibility.
Job Survival & Success Scale
Job Survival & Success Scale identifies a person’s attitudes and knowledge about keeping a job and getting ahead in the workplace.
Life Skills Inventory
$7.00The Life Skills Inventory is a brief assessment that helps people identify their life skills proficiencies and deficiencies.
Military-to-Career Transition Inventory
The Military-to-Career Transition Inventory test provides strategies for career development and employability, and includes a worksheet for setting goals for veterans.
Military-To-Civilian Career Transition Guide
The Military-To-Civilian Career Transition Guide provides an essential roadmap for transitioning and career transition framework for service members and their families
O*NET Career Interests Inventory
$7.00Use the O*Net Career Interest Inventory to help individuals uncover their top RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional) interest areas.
O*NET Career Values Inventory
$7.00Use the O*Net Career Values Inventory to help individuals match their work values to O*NET job titles. See the O*NET Career Interest Inventory as well.
Offender Reintegration Scale
Use the Offender Reintegration Scale to identify the challenges that offenders will face upon release and re-entry into society. – We’re sorry, this product has been discontinued.
Overcoming Barriers to Employment Success
$55.00The Overcoming Barriers to Employment Success Book helps clients identify a lack of career guidance, a disorganized resume, a prior conviction, family responsibilities, low self-esteem, a drug addiction.
Personal Style Assessment II Test + Career Development Report
$88.00Use the Personal Style Assessment II Test + Career Development Report to screen applicants for someone who is moral and has a strong work ethic, is easy to get along with, assertive, enjoys teamwork and is a team player.
Picture Interest Career Survey
$7.00The Picture Interest Career Survey is a quick way for people to identify occupational interests by using pictures of people at work rather than text-based items.
Putting the Bars Behind You
The Putting the Bars Behind You video helps with self-directed job search techniques, with emphasis on the unique needs of ex-offenders.
Quick Job Search for Ex-Offenders
The Quick Job Search for Ex-Offenders helps ex-offenders find a job quickly and coaches ex-offenders through the 7 key stages of their job search.
Quick Job Search for People with Disabilities
Quick Job Search for People with Disabilities covers the same steps as the Quick Job Search but also addresses the unique issues that people with disabilities face.
Re-Employment Success Inventory
Use the Re-Employment Success Inventory to identify how clients are or are not coping with unemployment help them develop skills and strategies for re-entering the workforce.
Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory Revised – 3rd Revision
Use the Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory Revised Individual to measure the vocational likes and dislikes of students and adults who are mentally challenged, learning disabled, disadvantaged, or enrolled in alternative or vocational/career training programs – without requiring them to read!
RIASEC Inventory
$7.00Use the RIASEC Inventory to help people identify their most dominant work interests and then use this information to explore career options.
Security Guard Career Test
$80.00The Security Guard Career Test assesses whether a person has the personality traits and abilities required to succeed in a career in security.
Soft Skills Inventory
Use the Soft Skills Inventory to help individuals assess their soft skills and provides them with strategies to enhance their workplace professionalism such as goals, communication, professionalism, ethics and leadership.
Special Needs Job Search Teaching Module
Use the Special Needs Job Search Teaching Module to teach essential job search skills to students with special needs.
STEM Careers Inventory
Use the STEM Careers Inventory to help students and young people discover their personality type and then match it to STEM and green careers.
Tests of Dyslexia
The Tests of Dyslexia is a comprehensive battery of tests and resources designed to help identify and plan interventions for individuals of all ages with dyslexia.
Transferable Skills Scale Inventory
$7.00Use the Transferable Skills Scale Inventory to help identify an individual’s strongest transferable skills across 96 task areas.
Transition To College Report
Use the Transition To College Report to help college bound young people understand the personal, emotional, and social challenges they will face when starting their freshman year.
Transition-to-Work Inventory
Use the Transition-to-Work Inventory to help individuals with little or no work experience can identify their job options and make their career transitions more effective and rewarding.
Values Profile
The Values Profile – 4th Revision will determine the personal work values that matter most to an individual.
Vocational Preference Inventory
Use the Vocational Preference Inventory to help to quickly assess career interests in youth, young and mature adults.
Vocational Style & Personality Assessment
$80.00The Vocational Style & Personality Assessment – Revised is designed to assess a person’s interests, values, and preferences surrounding his or her career.
Vocational Style & Personality Assessment – For Students
$80.00The Vocational Style & Personality Assessment – For Students is designed to assess a student’s interests, values, and preferences surrounding his or her career.
Work Activities Matcher
The Work Activities Matcher Test outlines general work activities representing the actual tasks you are likely to perform on the job, asks how much you would enjoy doing them and then suggests occupations matching your preferences. – We’re sorry, This test has been discontinued. Please see the RIASEC Inventory and our Career & Vocational Interest category for alternatives.
Work Motivation Scale
The Work Motivation Scale helps individuals explore their needs and values the key factors that motivate and fulfill them. – We’re sorry, this product has been discontinued.
Work Readiness Inventory
$7.00Use the Work Readiness Inventory to help workers recognize and address the demands of the workplace by identifying their readiness concerns or areas of weakness.
Work Readiness Profile
Use the Work Readiness Profile to assess individuals with disabilities and identify what people can do, rather than what they can not do. – We’re sorry. This test has been discontinued. Please see the Work Readiness Inventory as an alternative.
Work Smarts
Use the Work Smarts to help individuals explore their strengths and preferences by analyzing and reflecting on their “intelligences”.
Working Styles Assessment™
The Working Styles Assessment™ is a career exploration tool that assesses a person’s work-related personality traits that are related to effective job performance.
Workplace Excellence Inventory
$7.00Helps individuals identify the basic skills and strategies needed to successfully transition to the workplace and demonstrate excellence in their job performance and assesses: Critical-thinking, Work ethic, Career management, Soft skills, Leadership, Teamwork
Youth Work Readiness Report
Use the Youth Work Readiness Report to gain insights into how young applicants’ personalities will impact their on-the-job success.
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