Use the Competency Behaviour Inventory 360º tool to identify and develop leaders with excellence, problem solving and team skills across 15 competencies for a wide variety of roles.
Entry Level Cashier
The Precise Fit Entry Level Cashier Solution is for entry-level retail positions in which employees receive payment in the form of cash, check, or credit cards for goods purchased.
Leadership Styles Workbook
Use the Leadership Styles Workbook (formerly the Managerial Style Workbook) to measure leadership style and give managers a chance to understand their own managerial style, reflect on whether it suits the situations they face, and make appropriate changes.
Manager’s Job Style Indicator
The Manager’s Job Style Indicator to help you prioritize the types of tasks and the style behaviors required in the position.
Workplace Personality Profile
The Workplace Personality Profile provides a reliable measurement of nine personality traits (i.e., achievement drive, assertiveness, flexibility, helping disposition, reliability, self-confidence, stress management, team player and trustworthiness) to obtain a proper job fit.