Almost 75% of employers are, or will be, experiencing hiring challenges in 2023. This isn’t news. Forbes[i], Benefits Canada[ii], LinkedIn[iii], The Guardian[iv] and others offer articles full of disturbing survey statistics and trends and itemize the problems that...
What Do You Do About Time Theft?
Time Theft is when an employee is engaged in something other than the work they’re being paid to do during work hours. It’s becoming a big problem for employers, particularly with the increase in remote workers. Recently, an employee in British Columbia was ordered to return $2500 to her employer due to time theft.
The Cost of The Toxic Workplace
A toxic workplace is no fun for anyone. It contributes to higher turnover, increased expense, inefficiency, low morale and often, a damaged reputation. To do nothing only exacerbates the problem and telegraphs to employees that management either doesn’t care or simply isn’t minding the store.
Honesty Tests Work! So Why Don’t More Companies Use Them?
Dishonest people don’t just wake up one day and suddenly decide to become thieves. Most of them were already bent and had questionable ethics before they were hired.
Bad Customer Service Costs You More Than You Think
The intent of the old adage ‘the customer is always right’ is that one should always keep the customer’s needs in mind and do everything one can to make them happy.
The Great Resignation and Your Company or Career
Some individuals would like to change jobs, or train for better ones, but can’t afford the time or expense of additional training or education while simultaneously supporting their families. They feel trapped, frustrated and maybe a little resentful too. Is it any wonder that people are jumping ship for a few dollars more, even if it doesn’t advance their actual careers?
Aging Populations Are Going To Create New Problems For Employers
Employer concerns about the overall lack of applicants, the lack of suitable and qualified applicants and complaints about high turnover have increased steadily over the past 5 years. It’s a conversation that I now have with clients on a weekly basis, and it’s occurring continent-wide, and across all industries.
How Assessments Can Help You Navigate Workplace Trends Successfully
Three months ago, Emeritus, a global online education company, published its list of growing workplace trends to watch for in 2022. All businesses are contending with changes brought about by the pandemic and everything is in flux all around us. Many of the coming changes are unavoidable but they can be made more manageable.
‘Must-Fill’ Positions Provide Opportunities For Bad Hires
It’s a challenging time for many businesses and it’s particularly problematic for those who are hiring because applicants can now afford to be pickier about which offers they accept.
Please Hire Me – So That I Can Rob You Blind
North American businesses lose millions of dollars a year due to various kinds of theft. Unfortunately, it’s often their own employees who are doing most of the stealing, and most employers don’t even know it.